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Chawna Schroeder Shares The Christian Writers Code

As a Christian Writer, you are a scribe. A hand in God’s hand.

Sometimes, your professional mind has to surrender to the direction of the Holy Spirit.

Consider this;

While I was writing my novel ‘SAPPHIRE‘, my mind had a normal one-time story in view so I wrote it in the first-person point of view.

I had everything all perfectly planned out as a good writer should but God had other plans.

When the inspiration kept coming and one episode turned 3, became five, and eventually ended at 15 episodes, I didn’t struggle. I let it flow.

I also had an issue with my point of view. Professionally, it is wrong to use two points of view in fiction writing but in ‘Sapphire‘ I broke that rule.

I used the first-person point of view in the first episode and then switched to the third to be able to provide all that I was receiving.

In short, my professional mind bowed.

If I had said; “oh it can never be done this way,” the story would have stopped there.

It would have still blessed lives because God has his ways but it might not be the same.

Another example is letting one of the main characters die. Professionally, you get your plots out before writing and draft them out.(Read: Learning the Craft of Writing

I had my plot but it didn’t involve letting the girl die. I struggled with that inspiration. I tried to bargain but the instruction stayed firm. I obeyed and God glorified himself.

You are a minister and so If you are a scribe in God’s hand, be professional because God doesn’t like mediocre but make sure you follow his lead. Read: (What every Minister should know?)

Don’t go all brainy and brilliant with the main original author of the writing.

If you obey, you will be surprised at how much he will accomplish through you.


Your work is eagerly awaited by the rest of the world.


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