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Are you interested in learning how to write?

Know this.

Writers aren’t slackers. They aren’t writers because they don’t have a job.

Students, lecturers, and businesswomen who write are all examples. They’ve got a job to do.

Passion motivates them to make several sacrifices.

Personally, when my housemates were asleep, I wrote in the middle of the night.

I have written while my head and eyes hurt and my stomach grumbled with hunger.

I have scribbled in both the bathroom and the kitchen.

I write in the library when the major thing I went to do is to study. What is driving me? Passion.

Writers make the most of whatever free time they have.

Why? They have a message and a tale burning within them that they must share.

If you’re not passionate about what you’re writing, you’ll abandon it halfway through.

Even if no one likes what you’re doing, your passion will drive you to keep writing and uploading.

You’ll read books and take lessons only to improve yourself since you’re passionate about it.

Passion will help you fall in love with your characters and want to know how your story ends as a fiction writer. You’ll be compelled to keep writing.

I have a question for you: I know you want to write, but are you passionate about it?

The more passionate you are, the more effective your message will be.


Writing is a craft: an art form.

Other crafts include shoemaking, fashion design, and hair styling, each with its own set of techniques.

Techniques exist in fiction writing, and it is critical as a good writer that you discover and learn them.

However, you must practise those techiques till it becomes a part of you such that you are able to bring forth a project that is splendid.

I had the talent and the enthusiasm, but I needed the professional touch to effectively convey my message, which I acquired. I used to write differently than I do now, 10 years ago. Yes, I’m still working on improving my fiction writing skills.

Learn how to write in a professional manner.

Learn the craft of writing.


Your work is eagerly awaited by the rest of the world.

Check out: Craft of Writing by Stephen King

Read: Example of Submission in Marriage

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