Did you miss Sapphire II, click here.

(3 weeks after :- The Early Hours of October 2.)

“Good morning LA, this is Kinsman Jane reporting to you from Charis D TV Station.”

“Breaking News. :- Popular Hollywood Actress and Winner of Jockbel Art World 2018 award, Sarah Lann was found dead in her apartment in the early hours of today by her younger sister Jane Lann.”

“Eyewitness accounts states that the twenty eight year old lady returned from a celebration party organised by her friends at around 1:30am this morning. She was said to have returned drunk and so had been drove back to her hotel by a hired Chauffeur. Security Personnel’s reported at the Crime Scene and Investigations are still ongoing as to if a foul play is involved.”

“We promise to keep you updated on the incident.”

(Brief Switch on the Screen.)

“Good day LA and how has been your day?”

“Our team received a tip about thirty minutes ago that the autopsy report of the deceased Sarah Lann has been handed over to the Investigation Unit of the LA Station. Due to the uptight movement at the Station presently, it looks like the autopsy report holds a clue to the death of the Actress. However our correspondence, Luke Jokers is presently at the Los Angeles Coroner’s office. We will be linking up with him immediately.”

“This is Luke Jokers reporting live from the Coroner’s office. The Coroner has agreed to give us some minutes audience.”

“We heard the Autopsy report is now available. How true is that Sir?” the reporter asked.

“Oh yes. The Report is out and has been handed over to the Investigation Team.”

“Please Sir can you share with us what you have found out?

“Hmm. The truth is this Case is a bit complicated but the autopsy results showed traces of poison.”

“Oh! Is it that she committed suicide or what ?”

“We can’t conclude just yet but the Laboratory told us that the substance takes up to 2 hours after ingestion before it kicks into action. We can actually say she was poisoned at the party. We however need to wait for the Team’s conclusion.”

“Thank you for the info Sir, but are there suspects yet?”

“No. For now, everyone who was at the party is a suspect most especially the people who organised it.”

“I see.”

“Dear viewers, thank you for joining us on this special news broadcast. We promise to keep you updated as the case is unveiled.”

“Luke Jokers; reporting for Charis D TV Station.”

Sapphire turned on her bed.

She opened her eyes.

It was all a Dream.

“Sarah Lann.” she said sleepily as she stood up and went towards her study table.

She used her left hand to search through the materials on the table for some minutes before she eventually found her pen and her jotter.


She wrote in the jotter before she went back to bed.

October 2 (10am)

“Sapphire, you seem distracted today. What’s on your mind?” Mrs Jones her class teacher asked as she walked past Sapphire’s seat.

“You haven’t even started solving the questions I gave you.” she said peering at her through her spectacles.

“I am sorry Ma.” Sapphire said as she tried to ease her mind away from the dream she had during the night.

She sighed as she started solving the questions.

“Brrr !” a phone vibrated on the teacher’s table.

Mrs Jones went towards it and sighed; “Instagram notifications. These Celebrities just want us to know what’s happening to them every minute. No private life at all.”

Sapphire stopped upon hearing that as a plan formed in her head.

She waited till the older woman walked towards her direction again before engaging her in a discussion.

“Excuse me Ma’am.” She called as soon as she got to her side.

“Yes. Anything the problem?”
She asked with a suspicious glare.

“I was wondering if one can send messages on instagram?” Sapphire asked quietly.

“Yes, you can.” She said quickly before adding; “It’s just like any social media only that you really have a peep into some people’s lives there. You may not really understand me.”

Sapphire nodded.

She knew what her next step would be.

Megan smiled as her daughter rushed into the house that afternoon. She looked excited.

“Hi Mum.”

“Welcome darling.”

“Please can you lend me your phone?” she asked immediately she sat beside her mother.

“Hmm! That’s odd.” Megan frowned at her. “And why do you need my phone?”

“I just need to send a message to someone. That’s all.” she pleaded.

“Sapphire, don’t let me regret giving you my phone.”

“Here you go.” She added as she handed her cellphone over.

“Thanks Mum.” she said happily as she collected the phone.

She was about going to her room when she turned; “Do you have what I can use to browse?”

“Yeah. Let me switch it on for you.” Megan replied as her daughter passed her the phone.

Sapphire watched as her mother turned on the data connection. She collected the phone hurriedly and moved to go to her room.

“Sapphire, come back here!” Megan called out.

“Mum!” She retorted back.

“Don’t Mum me. Use it in my presence. What do you want to do online ? Like, I don’t get.”

“Mummy, you don’t understand.” She argued.

“Sapphire I Don’t. So make me understand.”

“I just need to send a message to someone?” She pleaded.

“With my data?

“Yes, Mummy. Trust me please.” She pleaded.

“Hmm! Sapphire, make sure I don’t regret this.”

“You are amazing, Mum.” She said as she gave her mother a peck and ran off.

Megan watched her thoughtfully as she left the sitting room.

Sapphire entered her room and sat down on her bed.

She stared at her mother’s phone as she wondered what to do.

“Instagram.” She said as she searched through the phone for the Application.

She found it and selected it’s Icon.

The Application opened as she searched for the search button.

She clicked and she typed; “Sarah Lann.”

A profile popped up as she stared at the image of the lady.

“She’s so beautiful.” she said softly as she selected the account to checked for the last post.

When you can’t just contain the joy of you being nominated as the Winner of Jockbel Art World 2018 Award and you still find it hard to believe.
Award Ceremony holds Oct 3. #Watch out for me.
#Sarah Lann Shines

Sapphire read under the picture of the Actress that was posted.

She checked for the date it was posted.

“September 30. Meaning the Award is tomorrow.”

“God what should I do? I just can’t send her a message that will freak her out.”


“New Stories” showed at the top of the page signifying a new post.

It was a selfie of the Actress with three other women.

When your friends just told you they got something planned for you.
My girls rock.

“Hmm! Would that be the Celebration Party? ” Sapphire thought as she clicked on Sarah’s profile again.

She searched for the Message button.

She clicked it as she prayed silently within her.

“Good Afternoon Ma, Congratulations on your award.” She typed.

She clicked ‘Send’.


Another post.

Selfie with my Kid Sis Jane.
I love her a lot only she bores me with Church stuff.πŸ˜’πŸ˜’
She’s amazing anyways.😍
I love you Cutie Pie.😘😘😘

“That means her sister is a Christian.” Sapphire concluded.

She went to check if Sarah had read the message but she hadn’t.

“This is a Bad Idea.”

She hissed as she dropped the phone.


She grabbed the phone quickly.

‘New Message from Sarah Lann.’

Her eyes widened as she opened the message.

“Yeah, Gal. Thanks.”

Sapphire typed.

“Have you considered ever listening to your sister?”

Sapphire saw the ‘seen’ mark almost immediately.

Sarah Lann is Typing.

Sapphire smiled.

“Oh! Are you one of the Jesus freak? I haven’t really given it much thought.”

“Maybe you should.”
Sapphire typed back.

“Alright. Gotta go. Got a lot of prep for tomorrow.”

“Alright Ma’am.”

She replied.

Sapphire paused as she started typing again.

“I’m Sapphire, an 8 year old girl.”

“Lol. Don’t tell me you grabbed your Mum’s phone.πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ I used to do that too, You know. Be a good girl and return it.”

Sapphire paused before typing;

“Could you please not go for the Celebration Party with your friends?”

Sapphire bit her lips as she quickly looked for a delete button. It was too late as a reply came in almost immediately.


“I never posted that. Did I?” Sarah asked.

No! She replied.

So how did you know?

I guess I just know.

OK. Thanks anyway. My sister sometimes know things I don’t tell her too.

Oh! Maybe you should really consider being a Jesus woman.

Little girl, You don’t know how life is. Say Hi to your mother for me. Bye.

And that was it.

“I will pray for her.” Sapphire thought.

“There is nothing impossible for God to do. A miracle can happen.”

She sighed as she clicked ‘Exit’ and left her room for the sitting room.

Megan eyed her daughter suspiciously as she handed her the phone sheepishly.

“What’s with you?” She asked.

“I’m fine. That reminds me Mum, my packet of Pencil is almost exhausted.”

“Alright dear. I will get you a new one tomorrow.”

Sapphire nodded in reply as she returned to her room.

(October 3: 2pm)

The School bus stopped at the Junction to the Anderson’s house.

Sapphire alighted hurriedly and ran down the street.

She opened the door to their house swiftly and banged it close.

Megan jumped!

“Why the rush?” She asked.

“Sorry, Mum but could you please switch to the TV Station where they show stuffs about celebrities.” She said as she grabbed the remote control and handed it to her mother.

“What’s up? ” Her mother frowned.

“An Award Ceremony is going on presently so I wanna see how it’s being done.” She replied.

“Have you being listening to the kids in your class?”

“Mum, please.”

“Anyways, i think i know the right station for that.”

“Thank you.” Sapphire replied anxiously as she sat on the Tiled Floor.

Megan changed the Station.

“That’s her.” Sapphire said in awe as her eyes caught the Actress as she walked down the red carpet.

“Sapphire, you know Sarah?” Megan asked surprised.

“Yeah.” She replied absentmindedly.

Megan didn’t probe her any longer as they watched the Trophy being presented to Sarah.

Cameras clicked as the Actress posed with several other celebrities.

As people congratulated her with hugs and shakes alike, the Video Camera caught Sarah’s younger sister Jane; sitting with a cup of fruit juice in her right hand.

Sapphire had no difficulty recognising her since she had seen the picture the young lady took with her sister.

As Sapphire watched, she observed Jane was staring towards a particular direction lost in thought.

The Camera widened.

Directly in Jane’s line of view were the three women who took Selfie with Sarah.

They were talking in whispers as they looked towards Sarah’s direction.

The background music of the Performing Artist continued as Sapphire watched Jane rise up and walked towards her elder sister.

Sapphire tapped her right thigh twice as an understanding dawned on her.

Jane could tell something was off.

“Celebrities life!” Megan muttered as she looked at her daughter for few minutes.

Sapphire looked lost in thought.

“Sweetheart, care to share your thoughts?”

“Mum, Jesus died for everyone right?”

“Yes, daughter.”

“Then,” she started as she turned to her mother with her eyes now teary; “why don’t these Celebrities live for Jesus. Can’t someone tell them the truth?”

“Sapphire, the truth is some of them probably have relatives who are believers but they don’t just want to listen or live by the truth.”

“Like Sarah!” Sapphire taught as a tear dropped.

“Daughter, all hope is not lost on them. The Lord will have Mercy upon whom he will have Mercy. A miracle can happen.” Megan said as she pulled her daughter up to sit beside her.

She gave her a hug.

“Mummy, It has to.” Sapphire whispered as her mother picked the remote and switched off the TV.

Sapphire closed her eyes as she concluded all she could do was pray and trust God.

(Same day; 5pm.)

Sarah Lann walked out of the Big Hall towards the hotel just few minutes away.

Congratulatory greetings came from several people most of whom she didn’t even recognise.

She arrived at the hotel and climbed up the stairs towards her Suites. She needed to use the Restroom quickly.

She opened the door to the Suite she shared with Jane using the Automated card and entered.

Jane knelt beside the bed praying.

Sarah sighed.

She removed her high heels and walked barefooted into the bathroom.

In few minutes she was done, she returned to the room to see her sister rising from her kneeling position with a worried look on her face.

Sarah stopped.

“Jane, are you OK?”

“Sis, could you sit here for few minutes?”

“Alright.” Sarah replied as she sat on the bed. Jane sat beside her.

“Okay, shoot.” Sarah said.

“I’m worried about you.”

“Oh yeah! Baby, I’m fine.” Sarah smiled as she made to stand up.

Jane pulled her back.

“Sarah, you are in danger. I can’t place it but as soon as the Award Ceremony is over please let’s check out of the hotel and just go back to the Apartment. Please.”

Sarah stared at her sister in disbelief.

“That’s not possible. The girls planned a party for me and I have to be there.” She blurted out before standing up.

She bent as she struggled with putting her right feet back into the heel.

“See that’s the problem. I have a bad feeling about that party. Don’t go.” Jane shouted.

Sarah stopped.

She stretched her phone towards the bed to pick her clutch purse.

She removed her phone hurriedly.

Her sister watched as she frantically pressed the phone.

Jane was beginning to get scared.

“What is it?”

“You know one of my fans that didn’t know about the Celebration Party sent me a message not to go.” She said as she now had one leg of her heel on.

“Isn’t that strange?”

She asked as she handed her phone to her sister.

She removed the heel and threw it at a corner as she paced the room thoughtfully.

Jane read through the chat in silence.

“And here I am also trying to convince you not to go.”

“Alright.” She stopped pacing as she moved towards the window and stared outside the hotel. She could see the hall from where she stood. Music still played softly.

“Jane, Not going is not the issue but I will lose face in front of my friends and all the guests. I can’t afford that happening.” She finally said as she shook her head and walked away from the window.

“My Manager worked so hard on this ceremony for me. I can’t just blow things up.” She added as she looked at her sister.

“Think about it.” Jane said as she stood up and went towards the door.

Sarah sat on the bed lost in thought.

Her sister stopped before she opened the door; “Sis, please don’t let what people will say affect your decision. It’s your life we’re talking about here.”

She stepped out after that but unknown to her sister she stood just outside the door praying silently.

Sarah picked her phone slowly as she once again went through her chat with Sapphire.

Various thoughts went through her mind as she stared at the phone.

Should she really leave as Jane advised?

What would she gain at the party anyway except for some drinks and meals. Yeah, maybe media attention. It wouldn’t be nice if something happened and she ended up wishing she had listened to Jane.

She dialed Jane’s cell phone.

It rang from outside the room.

“So you have been there all these while?” Sarah asked as soon as Jane picked up.

“Anyway, let’s pack up.”

“Really?” Jane opened the door happily and stepped into the room.

“Yeah! I don’t really feel like it again. The fact that a 8 year old warned me is something I can’t toil with.” Sarah replied with a thin smile.

“She used her Mother’s phone?” Jane asked.

“Yeah. I guess.”

“That girl must be a special girl.”

“Yeah! Let’s pack up before the girls walk though the door and make me change my mind.”

Jane smiled as they both set to work.

As soon as they had gotten all their belongings, Jane secretly contacted the Parking Valet and collected their car keys.

The two sisters successfully sneaked their way out of the hotel with their luggage and drove back to their Penthouse downtown.

“Home sweet home.” Sarah said as she dropped her phone and purse on the centre table and sat down.

Jane grabbed the phone quickly.

“What’s it?” Sarah asked eyeing her suspiciously.

“Can you put off your phone?”

“Well, that’s not a bad idea.”

She replied as she collected it back and turned it off by herself.

“Wanna crash. Good night Jane.” Sarah said as she went up the stairs.

“You will not crash in Jesus name. Good night.”

“Whatever!” Sarah laughed as she strolled towards her room.

(October 4. 09:00am)

“Good morning Holy Spirit.” Jane said as soon as she woke up.

She yawned as she stood up and walked towards the bathroom.

She opened the door to the bathroom and entered. The sound of running water could be heard as she washed her face and walked back into the room.

She picked her Bible and Jotter and was about leaving the room when her eyes caught her phone.

She deliberated within her whether to take the phone with her or not. She eventually picked it up and left the room.

As she walked down the stairs to the sitting room, she turned on her phone.

The phone vibrated so much as messages rushed in.

“We must have caused quite an uproar last night.”

She laughed as her eye caught a message from her sister’s manager.

What is this about a murder at Sarah’s Celebration Party? Is she safe? Reply me ASAP.

“What is Brooke talking about now?” Jane frowned as she sat on the sofa and crossed her legs.

She decided to go online.

The various comments she read almost made her dizzy.

JK : Someone tell me Sarah didn’t plan this? How come people died at her own party?

Mag girl: Where was she when it was happening?

Clement: Sarah wherever you are hiding, the world is waiting for an explanation.

Dave the Rapper: Why did she leave the Hotel last night without letting her friends know?

Peace: OMG! 😨What’s this about people dieing? Is Sarah Lann still alive?

She couldn’t read anymore.

“Jesus! What’s all these?” Jane said as she decided to see what the reporters were saying.

She switched on the television set quickly.

“Good morning LA. This is Jerry Courage reporting from MRI Station.”

“Breaking News. Celebration Party for the Winner of The Jockbel Art World 2018 Award turned upside down as a guest dropped dead and three others are presently in critical conditions. Speculations are that the guests were poisoned but how and what was poisoned is still unknown. Strange however it is that Sarah Lann herself was not at the Party. Why would the Celebrant not be at a Party that is meant to be for her?”

“What are these people insinuating for God’s sake?” She shouted as she stood up and ran back upstairs to wake her sister.

The two ran down the Stairs in few minutes as Sarah listened in shock as the news was emphasised again.

Her head was beginning to ache her.

“Check this out!” Jane said showing her people’s comments on Instagram.

“What are these people saying? Can’t anyone think about the fact that I could have been among those injured?” She asked in despair.

“Or you were really the target?” her sister replied thoughtfully.

“Oh! I can’t just comprehend all these.” Sarah could only say as she gave her sister an astonished look.

“Thank you Lord Jesus.” Jane said as Sarah started weeping.

“Sis, tell me about your Jesus. I need to have him badly. He stopped me from waiting for that party.”

“Really Sarah?” Jane replied with joy flooding her heart as she moved close to her sister.

With Jane as her Counsellor, Sarah Lann eventually gave her life to Christ that morning.

Several Kilometres and hours away, the Anderson family also sat in front of their television set watching a rerun of the news.

Sapphire didn’t know when tears flowed down her eyes as she thanked the Lord for rescuing Sarah.

Sapphire made sure she followed the news of the investigation and within two weeks, the case was wrapped up with Sarah escaping been charged as the Brain behind the Crime.

Sarah’s friends were arrested for Attempted Murder of Sarah and The murder of the Guest that died.

News also picked up the fact that Sarah was taking some months off the screen as she had found a new life in Christ.

As one of the broadcast session held as regards the case was rounding up, a post from Sarah’s Instagram page was shared where she simply wrote;

“I will forever be grateful for the two special girls the Lord used for me. Thank you.”

The anchor rounded up with the statement; “The two girls she referred to still remain known only to her. Her fans are however grateful to these anonymous girls.”

“I pray she really gets serious with God.” Meghan commented as her husband nodded his head in agreement.

Sapphire stood up silently and went to her room to spend sometime to thank God for the miracle she had prayed for.

The next morning as Megan handed over Sapphire’s lunch box to her daughter, the eight year old looked at her Father thoughtfully as he had his breakfast.


“Yes dear.”

“Could you please not travel tomorrow?”

Her mother stopped.

“Sapphire, who told you he was travelling?”

“Ermm! Sapphire, you were already asleep by the time I and your mom were discussing that.” Her Dad said as he looked at her for an explanation.

“Well let’s just say I know somethings somehow.”

Her mother sighed.

“Okay. Hurry so the bus won’t leave you behind. We’ll discuss that when you get back.” Her mother said and the couple watched their daughter walk out of the house.

John shot his wife a questioning look.

“I think she had a dream.” She said as she moved towards the table to join her husband.


Her phone vibrated on the dining table notifying her of a new message.

“Oh! My data connection is still switched on?”

She checked the notification as she read;

“New message from Sarah Lann! “

“You’re kidding. Sarah Lann sent me a message?”

Her husband stopped for a minute before he continued eating.

She however viewed the message and read;

“I will forever be grateful for how the Lord used you to rescue me. I am now a Jesus Woman too. Lol!πŸ˜€ Sapphire, you are an amazing and a special girl.😍 I hope your parents know what a rare gem you are. Feel free to contact me if you need anything. Thank you very much, sweetheart.😘😘”

“What!” Megan screamed as her husband stared at her in shock.

“What is it?”

“Sarah Lann sent Sapphire a message.”

“I don’t get you dear.”

Megan strolled up to see previous chats.

She read with her mouth agape.

“Lord Jesus!” she said not able to comprehend what she was reading.

“Did Sapphire say you should not travel?” she asked immediately.


“Sweetheart, you are not going anywhere tomorrow.”

“Really? Hand me the phone first.”
He collected the phone as he also read through.

Megan watched her husband as he went through the chat.

“Okay. So our daughter have a perception of things to come.” he finally said.

“The golden spectacles?” Her mother recollected.

“I see!” John said in amazement.

“But the meeting I’m scheduled for is a really important one for me and the Company as a whole.” he explained.

“Let’s just trust God to take control.” his wife said.

“Let’s have few minutes of prayer. We are running Late for work.” he said as he stood up and joined hands with his wife.

Both then prayed for a miracle.

The miracle manifested when during the Working Hours of that same day, John was informed that the Meeting had been postponed till further notice.

He explained to Megan and Sapphire what he was told at the office before they went to bed that night. The couple also spend some time talking to their daughter and telling her to inform them if she discovers she has a foreknowledge of anything and she can’t comprehend it.

The family then prayed together thanking God for yet another miracle.

It was no little shock to John the following day when during the 12:00 Lunchtime News it was reported that a petrol filled tanker caught fire at an highway in the middle of a Traffic leading to the loss of many lives and properties.

At the Cafe table where John sat he realised he would have been on his way for the meeting when the fire accident took place.

He texted his wife immediately.

“Did you see the news? “

“Yeah. I just can’t stop thanking God for his faithfulness.”

She replied few minutes later.

“Sapphire is indeed a Wonder.” He typed.

“I will forever be grateful to God for the opportunity given to us to be her parents. God will help us to guide her in the right way.” She replied.

“Amen. Yes, he will.” he replied as he finished his lunch hurriedly.

What lies ahead for Sapphire and her parents?

Do you think the young girl would know how to behave herself wisely?

What will she do when she comes to a crossroad where her decision has precious lives attached to it?

Watch out for SAPPHIRE IV.

Thanks for reading and remember to drop your comments and thoughts as regards the Story. 😘😘

#Being A Wonder
#Child Training And Family Life
#Christian Story-Telling
#Christian Writer
#Mercy O Adebisi

3 thoughts on “SAPPHIRE III

  1. Wow… The Golden Spectacles!
    Indeed God still does miracles.

    I pray Sapphire continues in this Grace and doesn’t compromise for anything.

  2. I’ve been waiting for this for quite a long time.
    Sapphire the wonder girl.
    I hope she continues this way.
    It is important for us to teach our children to know Christ because lots of lives and destinies are attached to thiers.

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