MY FIANCE IS HOLY.( Episode 2)

The roof of the building made sound as if it was singing as drops of rain hit it. I looked around as the Prayer was been rounded up to take note of where Bro Sam was sitting.
I moved towards him immediately the meeting was over but saw him rushing to meet the Pastor obviously to tell him about his Miraculous provision.

I sat back patiently to wait for him as I needed to speak to him as regards what happened in the morning.
For minutes I waited but their discussion seemed endless. I picked my phone to text him I was going when Tunde’s message came in reminding me about his tuition fee.
I dropped my phone back as I hissed. I had not been able to gather anything to sent to my brother yet.
I stood up defeatedly to go when the Oyewumi’s a newly wedded couple saw me and walked up to me.
“Good Evening, Sister Bolu. I see you’re preparing to go. The rain is still falling, but if you can wait for about ten minutes more, you can join us . We want to meet with the Pastor but his discussion with Bro Sam seem so serious.” Sister Daara Oyewumi said.
I looked towards where the duo were seated and frowned.
“Its alright Ma. I will find my way . I have something I need to settle tonight.” i replied as I turned to go in a bid to escape quickly.
“Oh!! Are you alright Ma?” asked her husband after me.
“Am fine Sir. Its nothing God can’t do. I just need money to send to my brother. The one person that could have easily helped me thinks its a form of unrighteousness or is probably too stingy to give.” I said as I looked towards Bro Sam again. The Couple followed my gaze and as I realized what was happening and added quickly “Forget I said that. Good night Sir” I replied as I turned to go.”
“Come, Sister Bolu.” Sister Daara called to me.
“ Yes, Ma.” I replied as I moved closer to her.
“How much are we talking about here?” she asked.
“ Twenty thousand naira ma.” I replied as the she whispered to her husbad.
“ You know what, Sister Bolu. I have your account number from the payment of my wedding gown material. Expect the money tonight.” She said smiling.
I looked at both of them as tears of gratitude fell down my face.
“Alright Ma. Thank you very much. God bless you Ma. Thank you Sir.” I realized the rain had stopped so I moved to go.
“ I will be going then. Good night Ma. Thank you Sir.” I said as I turned to go when my phone beeped.
It was a text from my Pastor. I stopped. I turned around to look at where he and Bro Sam sat. They were both looking at me.
I unlocked my phone to check the text.
“Hello, Sister Bolu. I will need you to see me at my office tomorrow. Bro Sam told me something I will like to confirm.”
Tears gathered at my eyes as I texted him back that there was no problem.
I looked at Bro Sam tearfully as I left the Church.

Watch out for the next Episode..
Don’t forget to drop your comments and feedback.

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