Choir Practice ended and we began our trek home alongside Bidemi. I walked in the middle of both of them silently.
I couldn’t wait to demand an explanation from my brother but not with Bidemi around.

“Daniel, you look quiet. Are you alright?” Bidemi asked as she looked at my brother with a smile.
That smile!! She always had this smile that could melt even a killer’s heart.
Daniel groaned softly from beside me and I looked at him worriedly.
“Uh Oh!!! Something isn’t right.” I thought.
“And why didn’t you prepare the song ?” Bidemi asked again when he didn’t reply. “You never …” And there it was again, that angry look he had in the Church. Bidemi saw his reaction too because she quickly said “Oh Sorry!! I guess I shouldn’t have asked that.”
“Yeah, it’s none of your concern.” He replied sharply. “Though it’s all your fault.” He added angrily as he walked ahead of us.
Bidemi looked at me confused as I apologetically ran after Daniel.
“I’ll call you. OK. ” I shouted to Bidemi as I went.

I caught up with Daniel quickly though I noticed he slowed down for me to catch up.
We walked on silently until he broke the silence by saying “There was no Inspiration.”
“What? ” I asked confused.
“I mean that was why I couldn’t write the song.” he explained guiltily.
“OK.. But.. ” I started to say as he cut in.
“Daniella,” he called halting “I really can’t tell you much now but trust me; I’ll be fine. Just … pray for me. Alright. I need just that. And, please don’t tell Mum and Dad anything. ” He said as I shook my head in agreement.
“There is more to what is wrong with him.” I thought as I immediately regretted agreeing not to tell our parents. I hate it when he struggles on his own especially when he wouldn’t tell me the real deal.
“I don’t like how I feel about this.” I thought as we trekked on.

Watch out for Next Episode..
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