NOTE:- This writeup is unusually different to my way or format of writing. Why it is so , I cannot tell but the Lord has his plans. So , I believe it is for someone out there. I must also mention that it is unusually very long , so patiently sit back and read , you can save it on your device and get back to it later at your own free time.

And if you have access to an hymn book called “GOSPEL HYMNS AND SONG”, check out Hymn 199 , “Resting in his Love” , its lyrics will greatly bless you. You can search it online if you can’t access the hymn book.
Thanks and God Bless you as you read.

It was around 1am on Tuesday Morning when I finished all I wanted to do and lay down to sleep. As I did I felt an intense desire to tell God something. Not that I wanted to pray the usual “in Jesus name prayer” but I wanted to share something with him or he wanted to reveal one bit of secret to me. I knew what I had to do , shut myself from my surroundings , leaving me to whisper something to his ears. But what I wanted to tell him I couldn’t tell. I couldn’t sleep either.
I then picked up my phone to listen to a song. I plugged in my earpiece so as not to disturb my roommates who were now fast asleep. The song I would listen to I didn’t predetermine but I found myself scrolling to “Excess Love by Mercy Chinwo.” I sang silently alongside at first but I felt I should replay and just listen , not sing.
As it played again and I listened I had quite a great flashback.
I had just finished my examination the day before and I could only come to the conclusion that God had just been so faithful to me. All I could see was his Love for me. I thought back to those moments he had rescued me from the jaws of death , the ones I was well matured enough to be aware of and the ones my parents had been the one doing the battle in the place of prayer. I remembered the one time the devil tried to end my life on my birthday but God took control. How about when the devil tried playing one of his tricks again at a Bible Study Service but miraculously the God of Heaven who knew beforehand also planned it that our State Overseer then would visit our local Church that day and God took all the glory. Even though I was not saved , even when I didn’t even care about him , he cared, he loved me.
Fast forward to when I gave my life to Christ , I remember some experiences that left me speechless, I remember the times he had made me feel special to him, I remember the moments he had patiently listened to me talked about literarily everything and all I could see was his love for me. Why was all that coming to me at that moment I didn’t have time to wonder but I could clearly get his message “ He loves me.” And I could only whisper “Thank you Father because you love me.”
My method of writing this moment as I said before is unusual , and you are propably asking yourself why is she sharing this. I am asking myself the same and I have struggled and delayed for long that which has been placed in my heart to share for days now. It is a message for someone, somewhere ,at someplace. I just sincerely pray the heart it has been prepared for accepts the message prepared solely for it.
I want to tell you today that God Loves you. You are saying “ I know he does”. But I am saying still read on.
Many of us have gone through some painful experiences in life which if we are not careful may affect our relationship with God. Your Spirit might be born again but your soul can still carry within it painful memories attached to emotions that can prevent you from experiencing the great depths of the love of God. Realize today that a distorted image of God the Father can hinder one’s walk in the Kingdom.
You reading this may know a scriptural truth that propably keeps coming to your mind : if you saw the face of God you will die. And you remember God is a consuming Fire.
And you are thinking you don’t want to mess with him for it could end up costing you your life. And you remember Jacob that said “ I have seen God face to face , and my life is preserved.”
Maybe you on the other hand even agree God loves us because you know He gave Christ to die for us but other than that nothing else. You agree with the scriptures but your heart is always pulling away.
Maybe your heart is closed and you haven’t realized that God cannot push it open as you are the only one that can open it. And maybe there is false fear-based love of God in your heart that has to be flushed out for you to experience his great Love for you. The depth of love God wants to reveal to you demands a response from your heart and Love has to be accepted for things to go on well.
I used to be one of such people who always wondered what manner of Love God has for us because of some things I had experienced in the past. But at a time, I realized I just always ended up bottling up hurts and pain and it didn’t help things so I had to open up my heart for his Love to come in. And it was worth opening up to him as he healed all my pains and took my fears away. What happened that night was a reminder for me that no matter what happens he is there for me. He loves me and care about me.
God loves you and care about you. If you realize you want to give him a chance, ask him to make you open to receive all he desires for you to have, because he has a lot in store for you.
Someone explained her own experience of how she understood God’s Love for her and I will write in her own words.
“My eyes were closed, and I was terrified, as I waited for the face of God that would strike me dead – the face of a wrathful God with long , white hair and fire in his eyes , ready to condemn me for all my sins and unbelief. I waited and waited, and gradually I realized that there was no face , no voice, there was only me. I opened the door to my heart and gave a huge sigh. I was still alive! Fred still had his wife! Now with my eyes still shut, I began to see a small puffy, white cloud coming toward me. It was like those clouds you see on clear, blue-sky days, warm and inviting. I liked that cloud! Yet it went right past me. But now there were others, cloud after cloud gathering in front of me, and such peace and the great depth of God’s love began to pour into me, causing me to lose my intellectual attempt to understand what was happening. It was beautiful; I was just profoundly aware of his love for just me! Soon I could not see the beginning or ending of the clouds. They appeared endless. In my heart I then heard the Father’s voice speaking to me: “Do you see these clouds? They fill the sky. They are just like the love I have for you. They have no beginning and they have no end. This is my unlimited Love for you and all my Children.”
Yes, his Love for you is infinite, endless, greater than you can ever imagine. Apart from the General Love he has for everyone, there is one special love he has for you and you’ve got to begin to experience it. And remember for a relationship to work both sides have work to do so don’t just expect to keep enjoying his Love and give him nothing in return . No,You also Love him with all your heart, all your soul and all your might.
Pray for that divine Encounter of his Love that will change you forever.
Remember , his Love for you is Like the Unending Clouds.

The chorus of the Song I mentioned above says :- I am resting, resting,
Resting sweetly resting in his love
I am resting in his love,
Resting in the shelter of his love.
SHALOM!!!! @Adebisi M.O 2018.

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