Written by: Ebosa Monday

Read Episode 1

Damilola could not answer Ronke. He was afraid of incurring her wrath. He knew that if he dare challenged her, she may do some diabolic things and his father would support it. This was because, he (Damilola) had taken the side of God rather than continue in the satanic practices of the community.

“Where are you coming from?” His father asked him as he entered the house.

“I…I…I… went to a friend’s house” Dami stammered.

“Dami, you are playing with fire, and when it begins to burn I will be the one to add more fuel!” His father said angrily.

“I am a Christian now…” Damilola said, but his father rose up angrily and slapped him.

The force of the slap threw him on the floor. He stood up immediately.

“If you open your mouth again to tell me that rubbish, I will turn you to a deaf person. Nonsense!” Baba Aro said.

Dami held his cheek and was crying while his siblings laughed at him.

“You have become so foolish and brainwashed by those good-for-nothing people who call themselves Christian! Ah! But how did they get to you? Who is even the person who has turned you into this?” Baba Aro asked rhetorically.

“Baami, it’s Elijah. That boy that lives in the other street some distance from here.” Adeyemi said.

“Oh, that boy that used to carry Bible up and down preaching and disturbing this area?” He asked them.

“Bèèni, Bààmi” (Yes, Father) Shade said.

“I have warned him severally not to preach in this community again and he didn’t listen. He dared to preach to my son? No! I will deal ruthlessly with him!” Baba Aro said.

“Bààmi, (Father) please, leave Elijah out of this. It was Jesus that saved me, not Elijah.” Dami said defensively.

“You are foolish! Yes, you are foolish. Is it not the same person that all those pastors that patronized my charms and amulets serve? You are aware of this thing, Dami. I sell charms and give them powers to do miracles. You know that pastor that they used to call Apostle Miracle Galore? I was the one that gave him the power he used to do those miracles. How about Bishop David, Rev. Gideon, Pastor James, Apostle Jackson, even that famous Prophet Ajagun is my very close friend. We know how we run things with the spirits at the T-junction of this Ogunja community. So, don’t tell me rubbish!” Baba Aro said.

“Bààmi, (Father) those are fake prophets and pastors. Only Jesus has the power…” Damilola said.

“Pa ẹnu rẹ mọ! (Shut up your mouth!)” He shouted at him after giving him another slap.

“If I hear that name from your mouth again, I will remove all your teeth. Jàde kúrò níwájú mi nisinsinyi! (Get out of my sight now!)” He said yelling at Damilola.

Dami went to his room, crying. He fell down on his knees and prayed, “O God, please, prove your power in my life in this home. I am tired of these constant harassments. Jesus, save my family!” Damilola cried as he prayed.

Later that day, Baba Aro sent some boys to Elijah’s house. They dealt with him and told him to stay away from Damilola. They left to give him (Baba Aro) report.

“That’s a warning. If I see him near my son again, I will kill him!” Baba Aro said.

He called Adeyemi and Shade to his room.

“Ade and Shade, I want the two of you to prepare. This night, I am going to teach Damilola a lesson he will never forget in his life. Ade, you will visit him in his dream like a masquerade. Take this whip.” Baba Aro said and gave Ade a whip having 7 strong cords.

“Make sure you whip him hard until he bleeds.” he concluded.

“And what will I do?” Shade asked him.

“Remember how you dealt with Folakemi last week?” Baba Aro asked her.

“Yes…yes. I turned into a cat and tore through her skin with my cat-nails at night.” she said with excitement.

“Good. That is exactly what you are going to do to your brother tonight. I want him to be punished for disgracing me yesterday.” Baba Aro said to Shade.

He made some incantations on them and released them to go and prepare for the attack against Damilola.

That night, before Damilola slept, he took his Bible and read Isaiah 41:10 ‘KJV: Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

He knelt down and prayed, “Lord Jesus, this house is becoming very hot for me. You know where you brought me from. Please, deliver me from the hands of the wicked and disappoint every plot of my father against me. Father, I rest under the shadow of your wings in Jesus name, Amen” After the prayer, he slept off.

At 12 midnight, Shade transformed into a big black cat and walked through the corridor leading to Damilola’s room.

The door of the room opened on its own for her and she entered.

Immediately she entered the room, she saw a Lion sitting beside Dami’s bed looking at her.

She ran away and returned back to her room. She transformed back to her human form and ran to her father’s room, breathing heavily.

“Ah! Omo mi, se ko si isoro? (My daughter, hope no problem?)” He asked her when he saw the way she was breathing.

“Bààmi, kiniun wa ninú ile ooo! (Father, there is a Lion in the house).” She said as she fell to the floor.

“Iro ni o n pa (You are lying)! There is no lion anywhere here. There is no bush even close to this community. Where did that lion pass to this house?” He asked her.

“Bààmi, I saw it with my eyes in Damilola’s room. I had to escape from my life.” Shade said.

“Okay, move, let us go and see that lion!” He ordered her.

“Ah! Bààmi, emase lo oo (don’t go oo)!” Shade said.

“E ma lo!” (Don’t go.) Her mother pleaded.

“Tani emi o beru? (Who am I to fear)? Leave the road let me pass!” Baba Aro said as he marched courageously out of his room to Damilola’s room.

He began to chant some incantations as he walked through the corridor. Shade and her mother tagged along.

When they got to the room, Baba Aro entered quietly, but he didn’t see any lion. He searched the room, but couldn’t find anything. Dami woke up.

“E kaaro, baba (Father, good morning)” he said yawning, his eyes heavy with sleep.

“Kinni o n wa (What are you looking for)?” Dami asked him.

“Where is the lion you brought to this house?” His father asked him angrily.

“Lion? Did you see any lion here?” Dami asked him.

Baba Aro looked at his son furiously before turning and left the room.

Dami was confused about the whole situation. “Lion? In this room? How?” He asked himself as he laid down again. He slept off immediately.

Baba Aro went back to his room with Shade and his wife.

“Shade, there is no lion. You’re just afraid. Go again! Make sure he bleeds from all part of his body!” He said.

Shade wanted to refuse, but she dare not, lest she get punished for disobedience. She transformed into the big cat again and walked towards the corridor. Before she could even get to Dami’s room, she saw the Lion outside the door standing and waiting for her.

She shouted and ran away to her father’s room in the cat-form, crying and wailing heavily. Baba Aro made incantations and she transformed back to her human form. She was drained of energy and fell down on the floor, breathing heavily.

“Kinni O tun selè (What happened again)?” Her mother asked her.

“Mo tún ti rí Kìnnìún nà! (I saw the Lion again)! It stood, waiting for me and I ran away!” She said.

“Hmmm… This is strange! Okay, no problem. Don’t go again. Let us see what Adeyemi will say tomorrow. He is already sleeping!” Baba Aro said.

The Dreamland…

Damilola was walking down the road leading to Elijah’s place. It was dark. Suddenly, he saw a masquerade with a whip in his hands. He wanted to run, but something held him back. So, he stood watching as the masquerade approached him.

The masquerade walked and passed him. It seems he (Dami) was not seen by the masquerade.

“He seems to be looking for someone” Dami said to himself.

Suddenly, the masquerade turned and started to run as if he was being chased. Dami was surprised.

Adeyemi jumped out of his bed and ran to his father’s room.

“Ah… Baba, won l’èpa mi oo (father, they are chasing me ooo)” he cried out when he got the room.

“Tani o n l’èpa re? (Who is chasing you?)” He asked him.

“Baba, it was your assignment I went to do. I didn’t see him, Bààmi. As I was looking for him, I saw soldiers with guns running after me and I ran away!” He said.

“Haaaaa! Kinni o n sele? (What is happening?)” Baba Aro asked rhetorically.




I don’t know about you but that is exactly how my enemies will be confused when their plans fail.🔥🔥

👉Don’t Forget:

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

👉 No matter the threat of the enemies, don’t panic. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah walks with you!


Beloved, have you learnt anything? Please share with us in the Comment Section.

Remember to share the link to this story with your family and friends.

Watch out for Episode 3.

Happy Sunday Fam.😍😍

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