Sleep seemed to elude Folake as she pondered the main highlight of her day: she had finally reaped the rewards of all her acts of selfless service.

Even though she had always been ignored and chastised for going the extra mile for some of her company’s insured, she had never wavered in being a help, especially to the newcomers. This had earned her a $2000 cheque that afternoon.

When Folake started her job, she discovered that one of the Health Insurance Policies was to never decide for the customers. Let them choose their options and plans as they see fit.

Due to the enthusiasm and passion she radiated when she first started, she would talk to customers like she would to strangers she wanted to impress, as Jesus commanded. However, she began to notice the odd looks her colleagues would give her as she advised patients:

“Why don’t you take another test to confirm what is wrong?”

“Let me help you call your son so he knows you have finished your consultation.”

“Remember to come back tomorrow to continue the treatment schedule.”

She would then receive comments like:

“Let them come when they want to.”

“Don’t influence their decisions before they say you were the one who suggested it.”

“Don’t take their phones before they think you’re stealing their personal information. These patients can be tricky.”

Folake sighed. She naturally found it easy to assist adults; how could she stand by and watch someone struggle without doing anything?

How could she know someone should do A but is wasting their time doing B and not tell them?

She had then decided to pray.

Christ was the one who brought her there and also the one who told her to let her light shine before men.

Christ was compassionate and kind, traits she inherited from Him.

He wouldn’t want her to do good and get into trouble.

Yes, He said be gentle as doves, but He also said to be wise as serpents. He alone would know the best course of action in that situation.

And so she prayed.

Telling Him how much she wanted to do good but feared being misunderstood seemed to hold her back.

She asked for wisdom to discern when to step in and when to observe.

She asked for wisdom to know how much she could assist people.

And the next day, it was a testimony.

A man came.

She hesitated, thinking, “Let someone else handle him.”

An elderly woman arrived.

“Help her write it out.”

A middle-aged man came with his pregnant wife.

“Assist them throughout.”

A serving corps member came too.

“Explain it clearly to her.”

To another, “Let her consult the surgeons in charge.”

And another, “Tell her you know nothing and refer her to her Doctor.”

She listened, and even though sometimes she watched her colleagues’ reactions, she wasn’t moved because Abba was in charge.

The Holy Spirit led her through the sessions. He would not let her get into trouble.

Four days had passed with her adopting this new approach. Only that afternoon, she encountered a different situation: an aged woman who seemed to have lost her way came in asking to see one of their Consultants.

“Who is this woman?” It was Dolapo, her sitting partner, who first spoke up.

“I want to see Temi.” The old woman stuttered as Folake stood up to give her a hand.

Someone sighed audibly in the room.

Dolapo laughed, “Prof doesn’t have time for people like you, Mama.”

“Mama, please come and sit down first,” Folake whispered softly as she assisted her to the seating area.

“Tell Temi I am here.” She insisted.

Dolapo snickered, “So she should come running? On what grounds?”

“Please let her see Dr. Ray, jare…” The receptionist said with finality.

“No… Temi…” Mama whispered as she nudged Folake gently.

“Lord, what do I do now?” She thought within her.

“Help her.”

Folake sighed gently, “Okay, Mama, let’s go.”

Though uncertain why Mama would want to see the busiest Consultant and the owner of the company, she led Mama to the woman’s office.

“That girl’s wahala is too much. Na the same salary dem go pay us fa,” she heard someone say behind her.

Ignoring piercing glares and murmuring whispers, Folake assisted her to the office.

“Oh God, take control,” Folake whispered as she tapped gently on the door. She had never had a one-on-one interaction with the woman.

“Come in.”

Folake opened the door for the elderly woman to enter.

She saw Prof Temi gasp. “Mama,”

“Oh my God, thank you, Jesus.”

“Folake, where did you find her?”

“She just said she wanted to see you. She kept saying ‘Temi.'”

“Thank God she remembered my name. I guess she told someone the name of the company too.”

“Do you know her?” Folake asked in surprise.

“She is my Mum. Her nurse said she wanted to go for a walk, and they left the house together, but while she was admiring something, she looked back to discover Mama was nowhere to be found. Ha, Folake, God bless you, oo.”

“You are welcome, Ma’am.” I turned to go when Mama looked at me and smiled in a suspecting manner.

“Temi, give her 2000.” Mama whispered softly.

I laughed. “Mama wants to give me an urgent 2k,” I said to ease the tension as that was the first time I would interact with my Boss directly.

“No, she means $2000.” Prof said as she walked to her table while Mama nodded and grinned beside Folake.

She stopped. “Wow. Thank you very much.”

Prof Temi stopped and turned to me. “No, I’m thankful. I know you guys don’t really want to go all the way out for people because of some people’s attitude. I want you to know I see what you do here and appreciate it. Please keep it up.”

“Thank you very much, Ma.” Folake smiled as she remembered to send a thank you to Abba.

As expected, Dolapo and the other people were speechless when they eventually heard the full story.


Like Folake, are you perplexed or confused about how to handle a current situation? Ask God.

Christ dealt with the Pharisees and many other groups of people when he came to earth, so he is undoubtedly the best Human Psychologist you can consult. He will give you the wisdom to handle different people with their different attitudes.

Furthermore, seek wisdom in handling your job.

Seek direction on how to shine in that darkness, yet be wise not to let the world find fault in your actions.

Remember that wherever you are, God has sent you there as his representative. Please don’t disappoint him.

Shine unapologetically.

(Matthew 5:16 KJV
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.)


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