Written by Glorie Adepoju

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“Sister Ama, you are not completely blameless. The Bible says cursed is the man who trusts in the arm of flesh. You trusted your friend more than God, some issues you should have taken to God or even your husband, instead, you took them to her. Even the sensitive dream you had. Even if you can’t share such things with your husband, how about God? How about me your Pastor?” Ama knew he was right; she had been negligent.

Pastor Sam sighed and spoke, his voice was filled with compassion.

“You can’t join us in the battle to save your husband’s life until you have forgiven those two. God would not accept prayer from a heart of bitterness and unforgiveness.” Pastor Sam stood to his feet, ready to leave.

“My wife will come over to check up on you later today.”

“Thank you, sir. Thank you.” Ama said sniffing.
She escorted Pastor Sam to the door and then resumed her position on the couch.

Pastor Sam is right. I have been unable to pray for Kofi or even stand being in the same space with him right now.

He betrayed me and shattered my trust. Still, I can’t watch him die that way.

Can I ever forgive him enough to pray for him?

A knock sounded on the front door

Pastor Sam forgot something?

“Come in please,” Ama said

The door opened, and Ama was very surprised to see Jackie step in.

“Jackie?” Ama said sitting up

“How are you ma?” Ignoring the question, Ama asked the questions topmost on her mind.

“Did something happen to your dad? Why are you here all of a sudden?”

“No, nothing, he is fine,” Jackie said assuring
Ama nodded relieved.

“I came to tell you what I couldn’t tell you over the phone. It’s like God has seized my peace unless I tell you.” Jackie said head bent.

What now? Ama wondered

“OK, what is it?” Ama asked bracing herself

“It’s about your husband.”

Ama tensed.

“Remember the day you traveled for the one-day Minister’s conference.”

“I had to leave you and Kofi at home,” Ama said, she recalled vividly.

“Yes ma, that day I was the only one left at home. But I suddenly started feeling sick, so I decided to rest at home and not go to class. I knew Uncle had a spare key, so I just locked the door, and kept my key, I didn’t want to be disturbed if he returns.”

“Later in the afternoon Uncle came home. But he had company.”

Jackie began to describe explicitly what she had seen when she opened her door to peep.

Jackie saw Kofi and Akua through the small opening of the door. Kofi had his arms around Akua’s neck as they moved toward the room.

“My love, I’ve missed you so much. I’m so glad she had some sort of conference to go to. Now we have the whole house and the whole day to ourselves.” Kofi had said.

“Are you sure it’s safe here?” Akua had asked.

“Of course, nobody is home, Jackie has gone to class, she might not even be back until late at night. And my wife is out of town.” Kofi had said.

“They were in there for hours. I couldn’t believe my eyes.” Jackie said ending her narration.

“After knowing what I knew, I was afraid to tell you when you got back. I didn’t know how you could take it. I also couldn’t stand to look you in the face. Because you would guess something was wrong with me, and you would ask. So, I had to leave.”

Ama felt the pain of betrayal afresh, a feeling of utter dejection filled her. Tears escaped despite her efforts to keep her eyes dry.

“Aunty I’m sorry I’m a bearer of bad news. You’ve been so good to me, I just had to tell you. Pls, forgive me for not telling you sooner. I’m sorry…” Jackie said burying her face in her hands.

“There’s nothing to be sorry about Jackie,” Ama said, feeling the need to reassure her, Ama reached for her hands lovingly.

“You did the right thing by telling me. Everything is now in the open.” Ama said,

“How?” Jackie asked surprised

“Akua, she had no choice but to confess, when her daughter got sick…” Ama began and Jackie paid rapt attention.

…to be continued…


Kofi lay still, unable to move a single part of his body. A feeling worse than death.

It seemed like years that he had been on the same spot.

Jesus, Can I ever be normal again?
He questioned internally, A memory flashed through his mind.

Kofi and Akua were on the bed, snuggled beneath the sheets. Kofi’s phone rang, he stirred, it rang again, he woke up, glanced at the screen. Caller ID., “Heartbeat”.

Kofi sat up immediately, cleared his throat and picked the call.

“Hey Baby.”

“Darling, where are you? It’s getting late.” Ama’s worried voice floated through the speaker.

Kofi glanced at Akua briefly, she stirred.

“I’m sorry baby, I stopped by at Mrs. Frimpong’s place to check on her. Then I received a call from Pastor Kwame, and so I went to see him. I’m on my way now, I’m just stuck in traffic.” he said faking a yawn.

“You must be really tired, sorry dear. I will be expecting you.” she said

“Thanks babe.” he said. Relieved, he got up immediately to get dressed.

The memory fizzled and shamed washed over him.

“Stolen waters are sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant. But he knoweth not that the dead are there, and that her guests are in the depths of hell.”

The scripture dropped in His spirit and it felt like a knife dissecting him mercilessly.

He never imagined that he would ever be unfaithful to his loving wife. It had begun with one unintended kiss. He had hated himself then, and had been petrified when he thought about telling his wife that he had kissed her friend.

No. I should have told her, no matter what, I should have asked for her forgiveness.

Instead, he kept it to himself and the guilt became a weapon in the hand of the enemy. It happened again, then developed in to full blown adultery.

A lethal poison that infected every aspect of his life, especially his relationship with God, and all for what? Pleasure?

“Look where that pleasure has landed me. I kissed Akua, a woman I was not married to, and I believed the lie of the enemy that I was too filthy to come to you Lord.”

“I was carried away with the exploits I continued to do in my ministry, I didn’t know my light was dimming gradually.”

“The dimmed light has gone off now and I’m groping in utter darkness.

Oh Jesus, I’m sorry, have mercy, you gave me a loving wife and a flourishing ministry. Yet I unlocked the gates of my life to the kingdom of darkness through adultery, and greed.

I’m a disgrace to Christianity and to you Lord. Have mercy Jesus. Save my soul. I’m stuck and immobile. Don’t let me die like this. Pls Jesus, look upon your servant with compassion and don’t let the enemy waste my life like this.”

“You said in 2 Chronicles 7:14 that if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

“I come with a heart of repentance. Have mercy.” Incapable of uttering a single word, Kofi prayed earnestly in his spirit as uncontrollable tears stream down his eyes

…to be continued…


The news shook her to the core of being.
Oheema did not make it. The little girl did not survive it.

According to the doctors, Oheema had been responding very well to treatment, she just slept and didn’t wake up.

Regardless of Akua’s betrayal, Ama was moved to tears for the grief that Akua was now bearing.

The little girl was a casualty in a battle her mother brought upon herself.

Fear of losing her husband immediately came upon Ama.

She had been unable to pray for days now. She knew unforgiveness was impeding her spiritual access.

“Oh Jesus, help me, help me forgive.” Ama cried loudly to God praying amidst her tears.

A sudden realization hit her and she became troubled.

There is no bigger or smaller sin. If she chose to hold on to unforgiveness, what then was the difference between Kofi’s sin and hers. They all fell under the same category: Sin. Sin was Sin, she was just as guilty as them.

Humbled by this realization, she cried out with more intensity.

“Holy spirit, help me to let go!”
She cried letting out all the anger and bitterness bottled up inside.

…to be continued…


I sincerely apologize to those who have been following this series. I have been so busy with my NYSC preparation and orientation course, please pardon me.

I will make the last part of the series available before the next 24hours runs out by God’s Grace. Thank you for all you do.

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