Click here to read Sapphire XIII

“In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” The pastor said as the graveside service concluded.

Megan turned the pages of the funeral booklet in her hand. It felt odd in her hand. The past days had gone by quickly as they prepared for today. Its been four days since her daughter passed.

Jane Lann had come into town that morning with copies of the published book. Sarah had sent an emergency message to her as soon as she learnt of the date of the funeral, requesting that the books be made available that morning.

Jane had argued that it would be impossible but had called her back to inform her that the publishers said they would try. They had made it possible even if it had cost the actress extra charges.

Megan looked at her husband who was beside her in silence. She reached for his hand as the pastor made final prayers for the family.

“There is a New Name written down in Glory.” began to play.
Megan and her husband had chosen the song themselves.

She took a deep breath and turned back to concentrate on what was going on. Sapphire was being buried next to her maternal grandparents.

The pastor motioned the couple over to make their goodbyes. They moved towards the casket hand in hand.

Megan was the first to touch it. She wiped her eyes as her husband handed the flowers in his hand to her. She moved forward and placed it in front of the inscription already added to the headstone.

The couple moved back as the coffin was being lowered into the hole in the ground.

Megan cried for memories were pulled back to the present.

“It is well.” John said with muffled voice as he held his wife to himself.

“I miss her already.” Megan whispered against him.

“The Pastor will take care of the rest, lets go to the chapel.” John said as he pulled his wife gently towards the chapel where the service had been held.

Megan looked back one more time and eventually allowed her husband to take her with him.

They walked into the Chapel as people greeted them. Megan caught Sarah and her sister as they distributed the book to people. The sisters had been of great support to them in the past few days.

“Mrs Anderson.” Someone called from behind them.

The couple turned to see Jane and her parents.

Megan didn’t know what to feel as soon as she saw Jane: Hatred, Anger, Envy. No. She would show the girl Love.

“I’m so sorry.” Jane said in tears as she moved towards them.

Megan pulled her in for a hug.

“It’s all my fault. I’m sorry.” The girl whimpered against her.

“You are forgiven my dear.” She released her as Jane’s mother also hugged her. The men shook hands.

“Are you alright now?” Megan asked the girl referring to the infection.

“Yes. I don’t know why I’m healed. It should be Sapphire. Not me.” The girl cried some more.

“Jane, God understands okay.” Megan reassured.

She wiped the girls tears; “Have you been given the book?”

“Yes, we have a copy.” Jane’s mother replied.

“Please make sure you read it Jane.” The girl nodded in response.

Megan lifted up her head to see Mrs Smith and two other people: a young man and an older woman walk towards them. Jane and her parents also saw them Coming so they made their goodbyes and left.

“Accept my condolences.” Mrs Smith said pulling Megan in for hug.

“Thank you very much for coming.” John said as he shook hand with the other two people.

Mrs Smith turned to the couple. “This is Frank a teacher in our school and Mrs Ruby the headmistress.”

“Oh!” John said. Mrs Smith nodded.

“Sapphire was a wonderful girl. The Lord will comfort you.” Mrs Ruby put forth her hand to hold their hands.

“Amen, Thank you very much.” Megan replied with a thin smile. The trio moved away from the couple then.

Megan looked around the chapel. People had turned up for the funeral than they expected:
Church members; Sapphire’s classmates; their own friends and family; even the medical team who had treated her had all been present.

“Is Dr James still around?” Megan whispered to John.

Without answering, John pointed towards a direction. Megan looked up to see the man walking toward them.

“It was a wonderful service.” Dr James said as soon as he was in front of them.

“Yes it was.” Megan said.

“Thank you for every thing doctor. God bless you.” John shook the doctor’s hand.

“It was my pleasure. God be with you, Mr and Mrs Anderson.” He patted John’s shoulder.

“Amen.” The couple replied.

“John, i have something to tell you guys.” The doctor said.

The couple looked at each other at his tone.

“What is it?” John asked.

The doctor moved nearer; “I don’t know if you noticed but before your daughter died I took a sample of her blood.”

Megan nodded; “I noticed but it skipped my mind to ask why you did so.”

“Anything the problem?” John asked.

Dr James sighed; “I’m sorry I did this without your consent but it just occurred to me to test Sapphire’s blood again. So I did a chlamydia test.”

The couple gaped at him in shock.

“What?” Megan shouted.

“So what was the result?” John asked.

Dr James nodded before talking; “Negative.”

The couple stared at him in silence.

He spoke on; “Sapphire was miraculously cured of chlamydia before she passed.”

Megan shook her head with eyes glistening with tears; “If God wanted her to live, he could have done that. His ways are not our ways.” John nodded in agreement.

“I’m sorry I did the test without your permission. I’m really sorry.” The doctor said.

“Its alright.” John put his hand out to shake him.

Dr James turned to Megan; “Please remember you are pregnant and take care of yourself.”

“I will. Thank you very much.” Megan smiled lightly.

They bid their goodbyes and the doctor left.

Sarah and her sister moved near just then and told them they distributed 98 of the copies and took one for themselves. Jane handed one to the couple.

“Thank you very much Sarah. Thanks Jane.” Megan said.

“It’s our pleasure.” Sarah replied as she and her sister took turns hugging Megan and shook hands with John.

“When is your flight leaving?” John asked.

Sarah looked at her wristwatch before replying; “In two hours.”

“We need to go and pack up at the hotel.” Jane told her sister.

“We’ll remember you in our prayers. Please take care of yourselves.” Sarah said to them.

The couple thanked them once again and the sisters left.

With a heart of thanksgiving to God for the hope of eternal life and a future filled with great promises, the couple walked out of the chapel hand in hand.

Watch out for the last part of the Sapphire Series: Sapphire XV

Yes the last part. I’m so excited and grateful to God.

Kindly drop your comments if you have enjoyed reading Sapphire so far.

I’ll be back soon.

Happy Sunday Fam.

6 thoughts on “SAPPHIRE XIV

  1. This episode is so so emotional. I’m glad Megan showed Jane and her parents love instead of hatred. Such sign of maturity! May God grant us grace to emulate this.

    I pray Sapphire’s biography is going to turn more and more people to the Lord.

    1. I just finished reading Sapphire XIV. I’m just so emotional right now. Anyway, God has a reason for letting this happen. It is well

  2. I miss Sapphire already!
    In all God knows best and His ways are different from ours!
    I’m glad Mrs Megan did not allow hatred and Unforgiveness to creep in.
    In all may God be Praised.

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