PECULIAR-INSPIRO is 1 + E-book Release.

Continue scrolling to download “BLUEPRINTS.”

It was in July 2018. I left class to the Library as the next Lecturer wasn’t available yet.

I entered the library and the first available computer system i could lay my hands on, i went online and tried creating my own blog. Before i left my hostel that morning, it wasn’t in my plan it was going to happen that day but somehow right from my lecture hall i found myself trying to register.

I knew nothing about how it is being done but with divine intervention, right where i sat i registered, set up the theme and developed everything about the site myself. Honestly, i know Heaven provided backup but i am short of words on how to describe it. But it happened.

At the moment i wanted to pick a name, i felt my name wasn’t what should be there and a verse of the Scriptures I Peter 2:19 dropped in my mind.

Everything at that moment screamed “Peculiar”.

But there was more as the name was to mean a Peculiar Inspiration meaning special; not like others.

So somehow i came up with a word similar to inspiration right where i sat and Peculiar-inspiro came to be.

The moment i clicked enter, i had a great feeling within me which i can’t describe. I had gotten a new name as it was proved in proceeding days.

God so proved to me that he was in charge by just leading my hands to design and develop the blog. Stories began to drop into the blog from July 10. And since then God has been taking control of everything as regards Peculiar-inspiro.

There are readers from around 15 countries of the world and God has indeed being reaching out to lives. Even I am not excluded as there have been times i read up the writings and i was greatly blessed.

Glory to God because Peculiar-inspiro is blooming.

Testimonies have been coming in to God’s Glory.

I appreciate you my readers around the globe. You are a part of this great work. May the good Lord continue to bless you.

I have something for you all today. My first E-book “BLUEPRINTS” is been released today. and I’m so excited and grateful to God.

The E-book is a free gift so please do well to share for others to be blessed too.

You can download the book to be able to read by Clicking here

Remember to like and share to your friends.

This new year of Peculiar-inspiro, God is ready to bless us more and you don’t want to miss out. So click “Subscribe” to be a part of what God will do.

I love you all.

Thanks and God bless you.

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