MY FIANCE IS HOLY ( Episode 3)

Pararararararara!!!!!!! Sounded the thunder in the sky as the rain began heavily again.
I had been standing by the road for about five minutes thinking about all that had happened with no bike in sight.

I decided to return to the church and wait for the Oyewumi’s when the familiar sound of a vehicle caused me to look up. It was Bro Sam’s vehicle with him behind the wheel.
I stood straight as he stopped in front of me.
I opened the door thankfully and got in.
“What do you think you are doing ?” he asked anger written on his face.
“ I don’t get? Aren’t you giving me a ride?” I asked confused.
“ Ride!! Oh sister Bolu, you shouldn’t expect me to even allow you in my vehicle. Hmm, don’t let the devil have his way with all this you are doing.” He replied infuriating me.
“ I can’t believe this. Bro Sam this is getting out of hand oo.. I don’t even know what to call this kind of behavior.” i said looking at him.
“It’s fleeing from every appearance of evil. I just stopped so you wouldn’t feel hurt that I just went past you.”
“ You know what? You thought you didn’t want me to get hurt but your actions have done more than just hurting me. You should have just pretended not to see me.”
“Okay. I will do that next time. Now can you step out of my car?”
I gaped in surprise as I watched him stretch to open the door for me.
“ Bro Sam , this is Bolu. The woman you are to get married to you are pushing into this heavy rain.”
“The more important reason I shouldn’t carry you. Now please is getting late. So you can get home quickly.” tears flooded my eyes as I got down and closed the door with a loud bang…
Anger shoot through my body like electric shock. I felt hurt…
“Oh God !!!!” I found myself screaming out suddenly as I cried heavily…
I stood at that same point, the rain beating me furiously. A mixture of tears and rain falling down my face.
“ This isn’t the kind of man I want. This is not the best for me. God…. I prayed that you might let me know him but this isn’t what I bargained for. This hurts Lord. It really hurts..” I thought as I wept.

Episode 4 will be posted soon…
Don’t forget to drop your comments and feedbacks.

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