“Daniel couldn’t present a song even though he spent days writing. At Church today, he was acting odd around Bidemi and even shouted angrily at her when she asked him what was wrong.

As we walked home, he finally said there was no inspiration to write. And that I shouldn’t tell you about what happened in Church today. I came to his room now to discover collection of love songs.” I explained.
“Love songs?” asked Dad surprised.
“Yes.” I looked at his face before continuing “written for Bidemi my best friend.” Mum dropped daddy’s hands in shock..
“What? And he couldn’t write the Choir Song? ” asked Dad.
“How could he? ” I said ” when he has pushed the Holy Spirit who gave him inspiration aside. Hmm… He replaced The Holy Spirit with Bidemi. You won’t be able to write about someone you’ve ignored. It’s not possible.” I stopped to catch my breath. “Do you think it’s a normal thing to write all those songs you use to write? I tried several times and it just couldn’t work out. After you’ve written for Bidemi, you now want to write for God; it’s not possible. You now said “there is no inspiration.” Inspiration ko? Inspiration ni?” I said moving to leave the room. I stopped again; ” He was still shouting angrily at the girl? Was she the one that said you should be lusting over her. I heard how you groaned the other time ooo.. You better cry to God for help. And get your Inspiration back. And you pushed me; I don’t even know what to say.. I’m disappointed. ” I said noticing his head was now bent down.
” I’m going .. ” I got out of the room as Mum followed me. Dad waited behind.
“Hmm… Daniel ..” I heard my Dad began as I left.
“Daniella, wait.” Mum called after me. I stopped.
“I’m sure God will take control . But you need to understand he didn’t mean to hurt you, he was frustrated.” Mum said.
“Frustrated? And he couldn’t tell me. I was still trying to make him talk. He stopped me saying I should be praying for him. How am I supposed to know what he’s going through.” I replied angrily and continued. “He was suffering all by himself. We could have prayed together. He let his Inspiration go. He pushed The Holy Spirit aside. How could he do that? Didn’t he know it would have been disastrous if it didn’t get exposed today.” I continued crying.
“It’s okay. I know you love your brother. You need to learn to be patient with him if you will help him. If you had been patient; without even threatening to tell us at that moment the other time, he could have confided in you himself. The issue might even be solved without informing us. But now apart from what he’s struggling with; he’ll be scared he has finally pushed his most trusted friend away.” Mum explained.
“He didn’t mean to hurt you OK? ” I nodded in agreement as she pulled me to my room.
The door to my room opened after about five minutes and in came Dad and my brother. He looked sad and unhappy as he stood beside Dad.
“I’m sorry Dan. I was just so frustrated.” Daniel apologized.
“You could have told me. At least she’s my friend. And you were still shouting at her.” I said hissing.
“It’s part of her fault too? ” he said.
“You said that the other time too? How is it her fault? The poor girl is probably wondering what she has did for you to act that way.”
“Listen, Daniella. ” Dad cautioned.
“Alright, Sir. ” I replied.
“Your friend is always smiling too much. And she will still be looking at one eyeball to eyeball.” He explained.
“Hmmm !! That’s true .. She can captivate one with that innocent smile. I wonder how many times I’ve let her have her way because of that smile. But you’re still the problem. ” I said.
“Yes, you’re right. ” Dad said. ” I have discussed some things with him; we also prayed together. He’s going to spend some time personally too. That inspiration must come back.”
“It must oo. People like you are even lucky. If your relationship with God isn’t okay, you won’t be able to do that special thing you use to do before. It will make you aware conscious that things aren’t alright.” I said .
“That’s true.” Mum said .
“I don’t need to tell you what to do with those papers.” Daddy said to him.
“Yes Sir.” he replied.
“Settle things amicably and meet us downstairs.” Daddy said as he and Mum turned to excuse us.
Daniel sat as soon as they left.
“I’m sorry Dan.” he apologized.
“It’s okay. I’ve forgiven you. But Daniel, I can’t stop being friends with Bidemi but I will do what I can to help you in ways I can.” I said.
“No problem. Best Friends?” He asked holding out his hand for a shake.
“Of course. Do I have any other sibling? ” I laughed as I pushed his hand away.
“Make things right with God. May you experience his Mercy.” I said seriously.
” Amen.. Thanks Sis.” he replied as he stood to go.

The next morning, a soul-lifting music from my brother’s room was what woke me up.

“Living Fire”, my brother dictated at the next Choral Practice.

“Ablaze! Ablaze!!
I heard the Spirit call.
Take out those ashes off the altar;
Get thee a new wood.
Prepare to make a fire.

Ablaze! Ablaze!!
I heard my Spirit cry.
Lukewarmness be gone; Let the Fire fall.
The Altar is prepared.
Lord, send the fire.

Chr : A living Fire!
A Terror to Hell.
A Living Fire!
A Blessing to Nations.
A Living Fire!
Is what I want to be.” ( LIVING FIRE: Copyright @ Mercy Adebisi )
The song was practiced but we didn’t know when we lunged into two hours of prayer.
My brother’s inspiration was back….
His Teacher, The Holy Spirit was once again active in him.

This Story might look simple. It might even look childish to some people but someone who is in the same shoe Daniel was will tell you “It’s really serious.” He will tell you “I feel frustrated, I feel empty, I feel alone.” And before you know it they find themselves doing things they shouldn’t be doing.
Before Daniel started writing songs for Bidemi, he would have struggled with it for a long time but not knowing what to do pushed God aside.
In situations as such, run to God before its too late.
Have an accountability partner. A believer especially.
If you are the type that you have developed a fellowship with God that you won’t be able do anything without him; by the time your relationship with him is not right; it will help you retrace your steps quickly. But if you are too distracted to notice your Teacher is gone. It will be too late before you realize it.
I have observed that I can’t write anything without the Holy Spirit’s help; I can’t write if my relationship with him is awkward; and it has helped me because I know without him, my pen will just be dancing on my note.
God is my Inspiration and the one who encourages me most.
Are you a Writer, a Singer, A drama Minister, a Minister in God’s Vineyard?
Have you changed your source of Inspiration without even realizing it?
Find the Right One Today and you will find yourself blessing Lives in a way you least imagined…
Peculiar-Inspiro says “Catch The LIVING FIRE. ”

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