He opened the bathroom door and stepped into his room at that instant. I moved towards the door to get downstairs when he noticed the papers in my hand.
“Where are you going with my stuff? ” he asked angrily.

“I’m informing Mum and Dad.” I said holding up the papers for him to see well as I turned to go.
I opened the door to go when he pulled me back with a strength I didn’t know he had causing me to hit my head against his wardrobe.
“Mum!!! Dad!! ” I screamed as my brother stared at me with bloodshot eyes.
“Daniel, this isn’t you. You have never hurt me before.” I said crying as my parents rushed into the room.
“Oh my God!! ” shouted Mum as she hurried to help me up.
I stared at my twin brother as he bent down to pack the scattered the papers.
“What happened in here? And Daniella, your head is bleeding. ” Dad said causing me to touch my head as I cringed in pain.
Mummy hurried out to get the first aid kit as Daniel looked at me now sober.
“Will one of you explain what happened? ”
“Dad. At Church today…..” I began when my brother shouted with all his strength “Daniella, you promised.”
“Really? I hated myself the moment I made that promise. But now… You know what. Sort it out yourself. I’m out of here.” I replied angrily as my mother almost collided with me as she came in.
I passed her briskly as she called after me “Wait.. Your head is bleeding.”
I walked down to the sitting room in tears with her behind me.
“Sit!! ” she said as I obeyed.
Mummy watched my face as she cleaned my head.
” You want to tell me what happened? ” she asked softly.
“Mummy, I promised him I won’t tell you because he trusted me. The shock of what I saw made me decide to inform you but look what he did to me. When he’s ready to speak himself he’ll inform you. But please just remind him that the vigil is tomorrow.”
“Vigil? ” My mother asked.
“Yeah.. Choir members will have a meeting after the vigil.”
“OK.. Did anything happen in church? ” Mum asked as I looked at her in silence.
“I’ll take that as a yes.. So what happened? “she asked .
“You know Mum, I really think it’s right he tells you himself.” I replied bowing my head down .
“Sweetheart.” Daddy called from the staircase.
“Yes dear.” Mum replied.
“I think you two need to come back in here. He’s just crying. He’s saying nothing. He said Daniella should help him.” Daddy said shrugging.
“You heard that? ” Mum asked me as I nodded my head in affirmation and stood up.

Daniel had really wept his eyes out. I pitied him as I moved towards him.
“You can never really get involved in their arguments.” Daddy said to Mum shrugging.
“Do you need to talk things out? ” Mum asked.
“No, Sis, tell them what happened?” Daniel said looking at me as if pleading at me for help.
“Are you sure? I don’t want.. ” I began to say before he interrupted;
“Tell them.. ”
“OK.. ” I replied.
“Dad, Mum.. ” I called as I caught my parents hold each others hands bracing themselves for whatsoever I had to say.

Watch out for Next Episode…

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