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I recently wrote a short post about blogging on my Facebook wall and someone asked;

“How can I get started with a blog?”

In this article, I’ll explain to you, in layman’s terms, some of the basics you should know before you start blogging.

Before I go any further, I’d like you to be aware of the following.

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Reread what you just read.

First thing first. You need to know what Blogging itself means.

Blogging is publishing something online by yourself. It may be in the form of writing, photography, or any other media.

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There are some major differences between both that you need to know.

โฉ A Blog is usually updated frequently and it has a header, the main contents, the sidebar, and then the footer.

โฉ A website is rather static. If it is owned by an organization, you will see its mission and vision statement and the profiles of the board of directors.

โฉ For a blog, your readers can engage with every post you make, but it is not so for a website.

Now, blogging has its advantages and disadvantages. I will run through a few from both ends.

โœจ Blogging is good for SEO purposes.The fact that I have a blog has made it very easy for people to assess my writing very easily. Typing my pen name alone on Google gets out a lot of information about me.

My blog made that work easier and it will either be the first or second domain to pop up in the search results list. Not even Facebook pushes it down.

โœจ You can use your blog to generate an income.There are various means of turning your blog into a source of income, and you must expose yourself to these means as you launch into blogging.

โœจ You can use it to stay in contact with your audience and also get feedback from them.Through my blog, my readers, especially those who have subscribed to the blog, do not miss out on any story or write-up I publish.

On Facebook, someone might miss your post and may not even know you made that post, even though it may meet his/her needs. But for your blog, the person will continually receive emails about your content, and he/she will make a mental note and do well to check it out.

Even if he forgets about it, with the right design and tools, the blog is structured in a way that they are reminded of that post.

Blogging has its downsides.

โบ๏ธ Blogging is not for impatient people looking for money quickly. Getting money from it may be delayed since you need a lot of visitors and traffic to earn it. (Hence, the need to learn how to draw traffic to your blog.)

โบ๏ธ Blogging is time-consuming and requires you to come up with new ideas.Your audience needs to be reassured that you have something new to tell them in every publication.

โบ๏ธ Without the right pre-blog launch preparation, blogging will be frustrating for you.But no worries, I will do my best to explain those things you need to get done before going into blogging.

Do well to watch out for my next post on “Building a Career in Blogging.”

Please let me know if you learned anything from this article.

My challenge to you:

Write that book.That manuscript should be edited.
Remember, your work is eagerly awaited by the rest of the world.



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