Written by: Ebosa Monday

“Ronke!” Damilola exclaimed.

“Do you know her?” One of the pastor’s asked him.

“Yes. She’s one of my neighbors” he said.

They prayed for her, and eventually she was delivered from the hands of the devil, although it was not easy.

After the deliverance, they rested a little before attending to Baba Aro.

He was still unconscious, though breathing.

The brethren swung into action.

While the prayers was going on, Damilola decided to interrogate Ronke. He was surprised to see her skin burnt.

“Ronke, what happened?” He asked her.

She began to cry.

“It’s okay. It’s alright. Don’t cry. I have forgiven you. So, what happened?” Damilola asked her, while trying to comfort her.

“After our last meeting where you rebuked me in the name of Jesus, I became very angry and decided to deal with you with my powers. I used my magical mirror to call your name, but I was burnt with fire. I was rushed to the hospital. At the hospital, I met some people who preached to me. I resisted them at first, but when I remembered how my powers had previously failed me, I decided to listen to them when they told me about the power of Jesus Christ. I remembered it was the same name you called against me. After they finished their preaching, they prayed for me. I repented exposed myself to them. It was then that one of them suggested I come to the church today for special prayers. I thank God I came. As you can see, I AM DELIVERED! Praise the Lord!” Ronke said with a glowing smile.

She has changed and now looks even more calm and gracious than when she was under the bondage of Satan.

While they were discussing, they heard one of the pastors as he shouted, “Mo gba aṣẹ lori rẹ, jade ni orukọ Jesu! (I take authority over you, come out in Jesus)!”

“Ewò (Abomination)!” Baba Aro screamed.

“Ewò ko (Abomination, where?) Ewò ni (Abomination, how) Mo ni, jade ni oruko Jesu! (I said, come out in Jesus name)!” The pastor said.

“Iro lo pa (You lie)! A ko lọ ibikibi! Eyi ni ile wa! (We are going nowhere. This is our house)!” All the demons said.

Baba Aro fell down and closed his eyes.

“Haaaa! Kileleyi? (What is this?)” The pastor conducting the Deliverance asked rhetorically. He was surprised.

“Ni orukọ ti o ju gbogbo orukọ. Oruko Jesu. A pase fun gbogbo ẹyin ẹmi èṣu ki e, jade nisinsinyi ni orukọ Jesu! (In the name that is above every other name. The name of Jesus. We command all you demons in this body, come out right now in Jesus name)!” Another pastor.

“Ewò (Abomination)! Ewò (Abomination)!” Baba Aro said with a voice that looks like that of multitude of people talking at the same time.

He fell down again and closed his eyes.

“Haaaa! Kilo n sele si? (What is happening)?” All pastors shouted.

“We command you, come out in Jesus name!” Another pastor said.

Nothing happened.

“Jàde ni oruko Jesu (Come out in Jesus name)!” Another pastor said at the top of his voice, but Baba Aro was still lying down.

“This is serious!” The pastor in charge said. He was sweating profusely.

“We command you demons, by the power of God, in the name of Jesus Christ, come out!” They all shouted simultaneously.

“Ewò (Abomination)! Iro lo pa (You lie)! A ko lọ ibikibi! Eyi ni ile wa! (We are going nowhere. This is our house)!” They said, repeating what they have said before.

Baba Aro fell down again and closed his eyes.

All the pastors were tired. They sat to rest a little.

Damilola and his family members were shocked.

“Damilola, Kilo n ṣẹlẹ si baba rẹ? (What is happening to your father?)” His mum asked him.

“E mi o mo o, iya mi (I don’t know, Mummy). Ko ye mi na (I have no idea)” Damilola said.

He left the place and went to the toilet to pray.

As he prayed, he began to feel literal fire burning inside of him.

He became charged and walked back to the prayer room.

With his presence alone, his father jumped up and shouted; “Ina o! Ina o! Ina o! A o ma lọ! Jọwọ, ma da wa loro. Koda, a nlọ nisinsinyi! (Fire! Fire! Fire! We will go! Please, don’t torment us. In fact, we are leaving now!)” All the demons said.

Immediately, Baba Aro fell down screaming and roaring like a lion. Then he started foaming from his mouth, after which he became calm.

“Wooow! What a miracle!” One of pastors exclaimed joyfully.

After some few minutes, Baba Aro woke up.

“Nibo ni mo wa? Kini o ṣẹlẹ si mi (Where am I? What happened to me?)” He asked when he saw himself being surrounded by the pastors and his family.

“Baba, Jesu ti gba yin lọwọ ẹwọn ati igbekun eṣu (Jesus has delivered you from the chains and bondage of the devil)” One of the pastors told him.

He broke down in tears as he remembered his past life in darkness and all the atrocities he had done.

“Haaa! Jesus forgave me? Me? As terrible and wicked as I was before, He still had mercy on me!” He said as he cried.

He was led to Jesus Christ by his son, Damilola.

It was a great news in the church when they heard that the man, who was once the mastermind of the evil that pervades the community is now saved and delivered from the captivity of the devil.

They prayed for Baba Aro and his family as well as for Ronke.

Many of the church members who were not saved before, surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ that day.

         THE END

👉 We will keep struggling with the devil and his deceits until we have the fire and power to resist, rebuke and refuse him in our lives, family and churches.

👉 Behold, I give unto you power to thred on serpents and scorpions and upon all the powers of the enemies and nothing shall by any means hurt you (Luke 10:19).

👉 How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and power. Who went about doing good; healing all that were oppressed of the devil. And God was with Him (Acts 10:38).

👉 And these signs shall follow them that believe: in my name shall they cast out devils. They shall speak with new tongues, and if they take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them (Mark 16:17,18).

👉 By the power of God, I pray that His fire and power take over you right now in Jesus name!

👉 Receive the fire to burn down evil altars and raise godly altars in your generation in Jesus name.


With this Episode, we have come to the End of this series.

I believe you have been blessed in one way or the other, please do well to share your thoughts with me in the comment section of the blog.

We meet in the second week of April God willing for another soul-searching Story SERIES.

Till then I remain Peculiar-Inspiro.

Thank you for always stopping by.

I love you all.

4 thoughts on “FRESH FIRE IN MY BONES (Episode 9)

  1. You can’t fight against God and win. It can never happen! Jesus is always the victor.

    God bless you for this series Mercy. We’ve learnt a lot from it.

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