Written by: Ebosa Monday

Damilola, after praying in tongues for two hours, decided to go out. As he walked close to the door, the big padlock broke and fell off. The door opened on its own.

He came out and saw Aganwo snoring heavily on the floor. He walked to the sitting room and saw all the boys sleeping deeply. He opened the main door and came out. It was still dark. He went to where they kept their axe, took it and marched courageously to the great shrine. When he got there, all the boys attending to the shrine were also fast asleep.

Dami began to cut down all the grooves and broke down the altar.

None of the shrine boys woke up, even with the noise.

Dami went into the inner chamber and destroyed every thing he found there, including the image of Orisa and all other smaller images.

When he was through, he left the place, passed through the midst of the boys who were snoring heavily and went to hide.

Aganwo woke up to find Damilola’s room opened. He rushed inside, but could find only an empty room.

“Haaa! O ti sa asala (he has escaped)! Haaaaa! Mo gbé (I am doomed)!” He lamented as he ran to the sitting to wake all the boys.

“Sowore, jii dide!” He woke Sowore up.

Sowore yawned and turned to face him.

“Aganwo, kini (What)? Kilo n sele (What happened)?” He yawned again.

“Damilola, ti sa lo ooo (Damilola has ran away)!” Aganwo said crying.

“Haaaaa! Haaa! Kò lè rí béé (It cannot be)!” Sowore exclaimed as he jumped up. He woke the others and they ran to confirm what Aganwo told him.

When they could not find Damilola, they became confused.

By this time, Baba Aro was already awake. He woke up due to the noise coming from the sitting room. He walked to meet the boys confused and thinking of what to do.

“Kilo un sele? (What is happening?)” he asked them.

They kept quiet.

“Mo ni, ki lo n sele nibi (I said, What is happening here)?” He shouted.

Sowore went on his knees, same with all the boys, including Aganwo.

(Now, they all knelt down pleading because Aganwo was not just an ordinary man. He had been the eye of the cult group with a supernatural gift of knowing where and when enemies want to attack. He had helped them escape from so many ambushes set by rival cults groups and has also assisted them in locating the hideouts of rival cult groups during any cult clash. This had made them quite invincible to other cult groups. His failure to watch over Damilola now, was a big problem to all of them).

“Baba, e jowo, e ma binu (Baba, please, don’t be angry.)” Sowore said.

“Angry about what?” Baba Aro asked them.

“Ehm… Aganwo, e wa sòrò (Come and explain)” Sowore said.

Aganwo came forward with his knees and lied flat on the floor.

“Baba… Baba, Emi ko kuna rara ri lailai lati igba ti mo ti di oluṣọ ẹgbẹ yii (Baba, I have never failed before ever since I became the watchman of this group)” Aganwo said as he cried.

“Kini omo yii nso (What is this boy saying)?” Baba asked them.

“Baba, Emi ko mọ bi o ṣe ṣẹlẹ, ṣugbọn Damilola ti salọ (Baba, I don’t know how it happened, but Damilola has escaped)!” Aganwo said and cried out.

“Ko ṣee ṣe! Eyi ko le ṣẹlẹ! (Impossible! This cannot happen)!” Baba Aro exclaimed as he rushed to Damilola’s room.

“Haaaaa! Impossible! I used the most powerful and sophisticated charms and incantations to lock that door besides the big padlock! Aganwo, you let him escape?” He shouted as he returned to the sitting room.

“Baba, e jowo, e dariji mi (Baba, please, forgive me)!” Aganwo pleaded. The other boys too were on their knees, begging for him.

“O ti lo ẹnu ara rẹ lati fi ara rẹ bú! (You have used your own mouth to curse yourself!)” Baba said to him.

He ordered all the boys to get ready for the rituals.

“We are leaving now to the great shrine. Aganwo, you will carry the basin of blood on your head. It is still early morning. Let us move fast before the sun is up!” He said and went inside to carry his staff.

They all left the house and went to the great shrine. When they got there, they were surprised at what they saw.

“Ewò (Abomination)!” Baba Aro shouted as he observed the place critically.

“Lanre, taleni to sẹ eleyi? (Lanre, who is responsible for this?)” He asked one of the boys attending to the shrine.

“Baba, mi o mo ooo (Baba, I don’t know oo)” Lanre said shaking like a leave beaten by the wind.

All the boys had their hands on their head, shocked at the terrible destruction of the shrine.

Baba Aro walked towards an open field. He looked up and frowned his face.

“Haaaaa! Aganwo! Haaaaa! Se o ri ohun ti aibikita rẹ ti fa? (Hope you can see what your carelessness have caused)?” He shouted.

Aganwo dropped the basin of blood and was begging for his life.

“Damilola… Today, you ceased to be my son! When the cob of a lion thinks he can stage a war with its father, it will die a useless death!” Baba Aro said.

He looked at Sowore.

“Fun mi ni ori Aganwo bayi! (Give me Aganwo’s head now)!” He commanded him.

They didn’t waste time with that instruction.

Aganwo’s head was severed from his body immediately and given to Baba Aro.

He commanded all the boys to drain and drink Aganwo’s blood, while he made incantations on them.

One of them, Dele, by name, refused to drink Aganwo’s blood. He was his brother.

He fell down immediately at the look of Baba Aro, a dead man.

This created fear in them.

“Haaaaa! Damilola! I curse the day you were born!” He shouted as he spat on the ground.

“Iwọ ti lu ilu ogun, dandan ni ki ogun o ja o! (You have beaten the drum of war, and war you shall have)!” He said and left the shrine with the boys tagging along.

👉 Never run errands for the devil. You may never come back.

👉 Behold, I give unto you power to thred on serpents and scorpions and over all the powers of the enemies, and nothing shall by any means hurt you (Luke 10:19).

👉 No power can hold you when the power of God is in you. Death could not hold Christ in grave!

👉 Pull down all grooves, images and representations of darkness in your life and in your land!

👉 The battle is the Lord’s!

I apologise for the delay in posting this Episode. The past few days has been busy for me.

Watch out for the next episode. God bless you.

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