FAMILIAR ENEMY (EPISODE 8) Written by Glorie Adepoju

I replayed the memory with all its messy details.

We had arrived at our destination late that night, despite travelling by flight. We were still quite tired.

A lady joined us in the house, I did not know her and I had not seen her before. Aunty BB said the lady would be staying with us.

After dinner that day, Aunty BB called me into her room and dropped the bombshell, I had never been so shocked in my entire life.

“Aunty, you are saying you lied about your pregnancy, you are not pregnant! The lady who is staying with us is the one pregnant with the baby. How is that possible?” I exclaimed.

“Anything is possible now adays.”

“But why? Why would you do such a thing Aunty?” I asked angrily not knowing where I got the boldness to question her actions, thankfully she didn’t take offence.

“Because it’s the smartest thing to do! The doctors say there’s nothing wrong with me, and nothing wrong with my husband medically. Yet, we are unable to have children of our own. Ademi, is a chronic womanizer, even you are aware of that!”

“So far, according to my findings, none of his concubines has a child for him. Yet. I can’t take any more chances. I paid Juliet to have an affair with him and get pregnant. It had to be his child in case of any DNA later in the future.”

My eyes widened in surprise.

“Don’t think I’m fighting for any husband here, all I’m after is the benefits that come with having his first child.” she added defensively.

It must have been written all over my face that her last statement confused me.

“Let me explain.” She said

…to be continued…


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