FAMILIAR ENEMY (EPISODE 13) Written by Glorie Adepoju

I rounded up, and closed my Bible. It was my midnight prayer altar. I felt alive again. No wonder the Psalmist said he was glad when they said unto him let us go into the house of the Lord. Yes, the pain of Mayowa’s death was still like a big wound that needed care, attention and Jesus to heal, and it had just been two weeks since the entire incident. Time with the Holy spirit was the very balm that soothed it.

There are still nights when I cry myself to sleep out of grief, and days when I didn’t want to get out of bed because of the sorrow that overwhelmed me.

“Lord, why are you impressing this kind of scripture in my Spirit?” I said softly to the Holy spirit as I leaned back in the reclining chair.

Usually, one of the ways God leads me to the scripture He wants me to meditate is by impressing it upon my spirit. I expected it to be a scripture of encouragement or comfort but it wasn’t either of the two. I had slowly begun to memorize it.

“Therefore, judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light…” my voice trailed off, I had not perfected memorizing it. I flipped through the chapter of the Bible. I found it and read it out.

“1 Corinthians 4:5, Therefore, judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men’s hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God.”

“There’s something You are definitely saying Holy spirit, help me hear and understand You.” I said.

“What is in the darkness that needs to come to light?” I questioned myself

“Is it something I have done?”


My mind unexpectedly flashed to the night of the robbery. My mind flashed to the night of the robbery again, this time, I replayed it slowly.

“Face down! Everybody!”

“Raise your head and I blow it off!!!” He cocked the gun as if to emphasize his point, whimpering sounds of everyone followed, mine inclusive. I had never heard a gun cock at such close range. These robbers meant business. The mere thought of that made my heart pound in fear. I buried my head into my already trembling palms, as we all lay on our tummies. The cold tiled floor of the spacious living room offered no comfort as my body pressed against it.

“Hey stand up!” One of them barked, his deep, raspy voice echoed loudly.

“Pls don’t kill me pls!!!!!!” Mayowa screamed repeatedly in between tears,

“Quiet!” came the loud command that sent a chill down my spine.

I trembled violently on the floor as Mayowa whimpered loudly.

“We only came here to take what we need. We don’t intend to leave here without it! Hey boy, you are coming with us!”

Something came to mind, as the memory fizzled out.

“Yes, they didn’t take any money, they came for just one mission. That means someone must have assigned them to the job.” I said suddenly, stunned by the realization. I sat up immediately.

“Who would want Mayowa dead? why??”

Now the “hidden in the darkness” part of the scripture made sense.

Suddenly restless, I paced. The story wasn’t over like I thought. The fact that God is interested in bringing to light whoever is behind this, was intriguing.

I felt thirsty, I picked my water bottle, it was empty. I decided to get some water. I went to the kitchen downstairs. I was familiar enough with the house to navigate my way in the semi darkness. I reached the kitchen turned on the lights, took a bottle of water from the pack. I emptied one bottle and then took a second bottle and emptied it in my water bottle till it was filled up.

From the kitchen window, I had a very good view of the boys’ quarter. The Holy Spirit prompted me to go there and look. The lights were switched off.

I remember going there a few times. I stepped out of the house, the cold air brushed against my skin, goose pimples rose on my skin. I rubbed my palms against my skin vigorously, warming myself.

I made my way to the boys’ quarters. I pushed open the front door, the creaking sound of the door hinges, from lack of use, echoed into the empty house. The interior was very dark, I couldn’t see a thing, and I wasn’t familiar enough with the place to locate the light switch. I felt stupid, annoyed that I had walked all the way for nothing.

My hand on the door knob, I turned to leave, “Eki” a familiar voice said behind me.

I almost jumped out of my skin in fear. My water bottle fell out of my hands. I turned around and saw the silhouette of a man.

…to be continued…


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