DABIRA (Episode 7)

The next morning, Dad dropped me off at the Airport and I took a early morning flight to Ibadan. The flight was an hour flight so I had contacted Dami’s Mother before leaving our house so she was waiting for me when we landed at Ibadan.

We exchanged greetings and she asked after my parents.
“They are doing well, Ma. How is Dami doing?” I asked.
“She’s fine. She was still sleeping when I left home. So I didn’t bother waking her.”
“Alright. I can’t wait to see her.” I said smiling as I dropped my bag in the trunk of the vehicle.
“Same for her too. She even cleaned the room you’ll be staying herself. I have not seen her happy like that in a long time. Thanks for being there for her.” She said as she held my hands gratefully.
“Oh!! Dami is my friend, Ma and she deserves the best. The Devil just wants to manipulate things. But God is in control.” I said as we entered into her car.
“It is well.” She said.
“Amen oo..” I said as I looked around the airport while she drove out.
Silence filled the vehicle throughout the journey and I used that moment to pray that my coming to IB would be a Blessing and a Fruitful one at that.
We soon arrived the house and I settled into the visitor’s room. Dami was still sleeping but I asked to be let into her room. She was staying in her former room. I opened the door and entered. Cuddled around a pillow, sleeping soundly was my friend.
I smiled. I had missed her.
“This is not where you should be, sweetie. It’s time to take back what’s yours.” I said to her like she could hear me and left her room.

“It is written in Nahum 1:13 that “For now will I break his yoke from off thee, and will burst thy bonds in sunder.” Thank you Jesus because it is the set time for every yoke to be broken. As it is written let every yoke clasped around Damilola, clasped around Michael be broken in the Name of Jesus.” That was me praying the first night I arrived IB. Dami was there with me too in the sitting room as we fired Prayers up into Heaven.
The next day, I contacted Michael and we started fasting and Prayer together. We shared Prayer requests. Dami couldn’t fast but we prayed together. At midnight’s we woke up to pray too. Prayer became the daily routine in the house for that whole week.
At a time, the Holy Spirit led me to tell Damilola to lay her hands on her tummy and use her unborn child as a contact to the coming generation and speak into their lives.
We sang; we prayed; we studied the Bible.
The Holy Spirit took control and indeed we knew there was Victory already.
Throughout this whole time, Michael and Dami rarely spoke but I knew something was already been done in the Spiritual realm. It was a time of dealing for each of them.

“Thank you Jesus because Chains are broken.
Thank you Jesus because there is liberation.
Thank you Jesus the battle has been won. Thank you Jesus because every Stranger has heard our voice and are out of their hiding places.
Thank you Jesus because as it written that you will deliver us out of the hand of the wicked and out of the hands of the terrible so it has happened. Dabira and Michael have been delivered; their generation has been delivered from the hands of the terrible man.
Thank you Jesus because you have come against the destroying mountain and you have stretched your hand and made it a burnt mountain.
Thank you Jesus because your Spirit has lifted up a Standard against the enemy that came in as a flood.
Thank you Jesus because Michael and Dabira are far from Oppression, they are far from terror and they need not fear.
Thank you Jesus because gatherings has been scattered and powers has fallen and failed for their sake.
Thank you Jesus because no weapon that is formed against them shall prosper and because every tongue that rise against them in judgement shall be condemned. Thank you Jesus because there is Dominion; Thank you Jesus because the yoke has been broken.
Thank you Jesus because indeed what God has joined together, no man; no curse; no power; no principality can put asunder. Thank you Jesus because there is Victory. For in Jesus name we have prayed.”
“Amen..” Chorused I and Dami together.
It was Saturday and the last day of the fasting and Prayer. We were in her room. Indeed, without any shadow of doubt there was Victory as the word of The Lord even confirmed it.

“Dabira, I want to go back home tomorrow after Service at Mum’s Church. So prepare, so we’ll be going together.” Dami said to me as we had dinner that night. I smiled.
“It’s alright. After the Service we’ll be leaving. I will inform your husband.”
“No, don’t tell him. It’s a Surprise.” She said her eyes glowing with excitement.
“OK.” I smiled. Though little did she know that a surprise was in store for her.

Watch out for the next Episode..

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