DABIRA (Episode 5.)

“Dami just fainted. We’re on our way to the hospital.” My heart almost leapt out of my chest.
“Please Ma, give me feedback later.” I pleaded with her.
I waited prayerfully as I went to meet Mum in her study to inform her.

I wanted to call Dami’s Mom few minutes later but my mom refrained me.
At exactly thirty minutes later; she called back.
“Dabira,” she called as if whispering.
“Yes Ma.. how is she?” I asked.
“She’s stabilized but she’s asleep… Hmm! Something has happened. I don’t know if this is a good news or not.”
“What is it Ma?” I asked in fear.
“She is two months pregnant.” She finally said.
“Wow! Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus.” I screamed with Joy causing my Mum to wonder what was happening.…
“She doesn’t know yet oo.” Dami’s Mum said.
“Why?” I asked surprised.
“She’s sleeping and considering the situation between she and Michael.”
My heart dropped…
“It’s going to be settled.” I said. “You know what” I quickly added “I will tell Michael now.”

“Will Dami want that?” her mother asked.
“Of course.”

I ended the call and quickly called Michael..

“Hello, Michael.” I said not knowing how to start.
“Hello, Is Damilola okay?” I smiled as I knew that was what he would ask me first. He was always concerned about her..
“Yes… Actually, She is in the hospital.” I replied.
“What?” he shouted as I heard him stand up immediately and pick up his car key.
“Which hospital? I’m going to the airport now?”
“Calm down. She’s fine. She just fainted because she was fasting.”
“Dami fainted because she was fasting? That’s strange.” he said as I heard him calming himself down.“Dami can even go on long fasts.” He said.
“Hope she is doing well now? Oh, I miss my wife.” He said as I prepared to drop the bomb.
“She’s fine. Actually, Michael; she is…”
“She is what?” he asked anxiously.
“She is 2 months pregnant.”
“Jesus Christ!!!” He shouted with joy.
“Oh my, Dabira. I need to see my wife. I need to feel my baby move in her.’
“Hmm. She doesn’t known yet though.” I explained.
“Oh well, she’ll be a bit disappointed you broke the news to me and not her. She has always fantasized and practiced how she’ll break the news to me when she takes in.” he said as I smiled.
“I’m planning to go to Ibadan tomorrow though.” I said.
“Please, let’s go together.” He pleaded.
“Hmmm! I don’t think that’s okay oo..”
“You can come in two days time. I need to talk some sense into her head.”
“Oh!! Okay. Just greet her for me. And help me make sure she’s okay.” He said as I smiled.

Dami called me few minutes later.

“Dabira, I’m carrying his baby.” She said so happily.
“Yeah; you are.”
“Mum said you told him. How did he react?”
“See you, he was so excited henn!!”
“Awwn!! I missed seeing the look on his face. I have always wondered how he will feel if he knows I’m carrying his child.”
“He was so Happy my dear; He really misses you.”
“I miss him so much. I don’t know what came over me; I need my husband with me here. With no shadow of doubt, I love him so much.”
“Hmm hmm!! Don’t worry you’ll see him in two days time.”
“Oh really?” she asked excited.
“Yeah. And I’m coming tomorrow.”
“Wow. I can’t wait to see him. He needs to come speak to his child .’” She said as I Laughed.
“So, were you able to pray for the last two days?” I asked in a serious tone.
“Yes. I can only say God helped me. Honestly, since the first day, I have felt a great intense love towards my husband. I felt like just coming home that day but I just wasn’t ready.”
“That’s God at work.”
“I want to hear his voice. ” she said softly.
“Please, can’t you call him ni? I’m not the one that said you should become “runaway bride.”
“No, I’m not calling him. Let him miss me very well.” She said laughing so hard.
“Alright!! I will deliver your message.” I said as I ended the call.

I later remembered that for the first time in a long time i had finally heard Dami say she loves her husband..

It was still the third day of our fasting so I moved to my room to pray.I finished the prayer in Two hours and went outside the compound to buy Bread to take with tea.

“Eku irole Ma( Good Evening Ma)” I said to the Old Woman in the shop not too far from our house. She was bowed down; her attention focused on something.
She looked up at me from where she sat; and I noticed it was a phone that was in her hand. She waved her hands at me as if telling me to be patient for some time.

Like a flash!! I saw my grandmother with her phone in hand shooing me away..

Like a flash!! Mama’s last conversation with me came to my mind..

“Dabira, if something happens, and you feel like you’ve run out of ideas but you feel I may have an answer to it. Just tell your father. He knows what to do. But if nothing happens, don’t bother to seek for any answer.”

This statement boomed in my ear that I shivered on a spot. I turned back from the shop and ran back home..

“Daddy!!!” I screamed as I got back inside the house.
“What is it?” he shouted back from his study room.
“Grandma.” At that he came out of the room; Mum hurried out of the kitchen.
“What are you saying? Where did you see grandma?” Dad asked confused.
“No…. I Mean.. She said I should ask you for an answer..”
“Who said so?” Mum asked confused.
“Grandma; she told me before she passed on.”
“Oh!! Yeah… what is it?” he said looking at me suspiciously..
“Do you remember Mama was acting strange before the wedding? She was asking me many things. It was as if she knew this would happen. I mean the Michael and Dami issue. Something tells me what we need to know as regards them is that answer. And Mama said it is with you.”
“Okay. But are you sure you need an answer?” he asked before he continued.“She said to make sure it isn’t because you are inquisitive..”
“Daddy. I understand.” I said.
“Alright. Go to the sitting room and calm down. You look like you’ve seen a ghost..” he said as he went to his room and Mummy dragged me silently to the sitting room…

Immediately, Daddy entered the sitting room, I stood up but he motioned to me to calm down. In his hands was Mama’s phone and a small paper. He unwrapped the paper and there the memory card was… my eyes followed as Daddy inserted it in the phone and switched it on… I felt like collecting it from him but I calmed down..
“Sit down and stop shaking..” Daddy said as he pressed play…

“Dabira mi !” boomed Mama’s voice from the phone in daddy’s hand as he handed it to me.. that voice I had missed so much…
“You’ve missed me ? Pele oo… Omo mi!!( Sorry, my child.) Don’t worry we’ll see in Heaven.
Does that mean all my speculations and thoughts are right, seeing you listening to this now.. I hope the couple have even spent like years together before this came on…”
“Mama, go to the main point” I said thoughtfully
“You’re saying “I should go ahead” right? …. I will now, so listen attentively as we travel to the past together…”

It’s time to travel to the Past… But that will be in the next episode.

Watch out for Episode 6.

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