DABIRA (Episode 2)

Days revolved into weeks; and weeks into months but Mama’s health deteriorated along. Damilola and Michael were doing fine so I soon forgot about them and focused on my work and taking care of Mama.

It was exactly five months after the wedding when one day my grandmother called my dad to her room. I was typing on my phone when my eyes caught Dad come out few minutes later and went searching for something in his room.
I and Mum watched as he went back and forth.
“Dear, Hope there is no problem ?” Mum asked.
“Not at all. Mama is asking me to put a memory card in her phone and I don’t know why. She insists I get it now.”
“Hmm! Okay.” I said but my mind was still trying to calculate what she would need a memory card for.
Daddy went to her room and came back to the sitting room.
My look told him I was waiting for an update so he said “She said she wants to do some kind of voice recording. I have helped her set it but she said I should excuse her.”
“Ok!! I will check on her later then.” I said to Mum and Dad.
I returned to typing on my phone until about thirty minutes later when I remembered her.
I went to her room silently hoping to meet her sleeping.
But there she was speaking into the phone with intensity. She saw me and shooed me off immediately.
“What is mama recording now?” I asked no one in particular as I went to my room with a squeezed face.
At dinner that night, Mama thanked Dad gratefully for the card and talked about how she was able to save the recording herself.
We all laughed over that as I tried to shake off the idea of picking her phone and going through it.
“It doesn’t really matter, as long as she’s happy.” I smiled to myself at that thought.

“Dabira!!” My Mum screamed out my name one evening.
“MA!! ” I shouted back as I traced the direction of her voice to grandma’s room.
I got to the room with so much speed.
One look at Mama told me all I needed to know. Her time was up..
“Call your Dad.” Mummy said as I ran out shivering. He was discussing with a neighbor outside. Daddy ran in when he heard his mother was about breathing her last. I stood at a corner crying silently. Daddy quickly went into action of helping her prepare to meet The Lord.
“Maami!! Looks like Jesus is calling you home today. Remember those songs I thought you about heaven. Remember Holiness is your ticket to Heaven. You are seeing Heaven soon. You are going to know Christ more than we have ever known him. Is there anything you wish to tell us?” Daddy said as Mama listened silently.
“Let us meet there.” she said as she looked at each of us smiling gently. We understood her.
“Of course Mama. God will help us.” Mum said as I began to beg God not to take Mama home yet.
“Dabira!! Stop that!” Mama said with one loud voice I didn’t know she had causing me to shake in fear.
“I’m sorry.. It’s just that… ” I started saying as I wept… My grandma was my gist partner. I could tell her anything. She made me see Relationship with God in a better way. She was my mentor. I could tell if she was worried even before others noticed…. How could I let her go so easily?
“David, I need to tell you something.” Mama said whispering as I was pulled out of the room by my mother.
“Dabira…” I heard her mention my name to Dad in whisper before Mum closed the door.
About five minutes later, daddy came out of the room holding something in his left hand.
“Dabira, she wants to speak to you.”
I entered.
I sat on the bed holding her hands .
“God, I need strength to talk to her.” She prayed loud enough for me to hear as almost immediately she gained strength and sat up a bit.
Her eyes twinkled in a way I had never seen before.
“Dabira!! I know this last months you’ve had to put off with my troubles.” She said as I smiled gently.
“Sincerely, I wish nothing will happen to make you understand me but I need you to listen to me carefully.” I repositioned myself carefully.
“Dabira, if something happens, and you feel like you’ve run out of ideas but you feel I may have an answer to it. Just tell your father. He knows what to do. But if nothing happens, don’t bother to seek for any answer. Do you understand me ?” she explained carefully.
“Yes Mama. ” I replied though confused a bit.
“Dabira, I am so proud of you and I’m grateful for a granddaughter like you. You don’t mind inconveniencing yourself for others. Thanks for taking care of me. Make sure we see in heaven okay.” She said smiling as I started crying. She held my face with one hand as she used the other to support herself.
“Forgive me for I won’t be able to see you walk down the aisle. I have to go meet my Saviour.” She said as I shook my head in response.
“Orun oun aye kun fun ogo re ….”( The heavens and earth is full of your glory.) She started as she laid down again.
I joined in singing but I couldn’t help but notice her eyes shining brightly.
Mama Aderinto passed on singing and smiling.

It was just a week after Mama’s death and I was studying my Bible when my phone rang.
It was Michael.
I was surprised as we haven’t spoken for sometime.
Guilt of having not called the couple for some time made me ignore it.
At the third ring i finally picked up.
“Hello…” a distraught Michael said before I could even greet him.
“Hello.. how has been life ? I’m so sorry I have not called you for sometimes. I have just been busy.” I said.
“Oh! I thought you knew about this!” he said.
“ Know about what ?” I asked confused as I dropped the book I held.
“Oh my!! Dabira, my wife has disappeard !!!” he said as I stood up in shock.

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Watch out for Episode Three…..

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