BEYOND THE PAIN ( Episode 2).

” Someone is going to experience a great shock today” David said to i and Bright beaming in a quite scary manner.

” Wait ooo, what has this girl done to deserve your attention so much ? ” I asked already feeling for his victim as he has not even disclosed what he plans to do to the girl but the way he’s behaving tells me its going to be something terrible.
” Don’t worry , bro . Are you in this with me ?” he asked looking at me hopefully.
“Nope , can’t me out ; i don’t even know about what you are talking about here . Who is this girl ?” I asked.
” Jemima ” replied Bright .
” Jemima ? ” I asked looking at David for confirmation .
” Yep , its Jemima or you got a crush on her too ?” he asked with a smirk on his face.
” Jesus ! What are you guys planning to do ? ” I asked .
“Keep cool man , I’ve got things under control” said David.
” Count me out of this and am out of here. See you at the hall .” I said conclusively as i left David’s House.
David has been my best friend for 6 years , he knows Jemima had took a liking on me and i already heard from a friend that he asked her out which she refused. Is he trying to get back at the poor girl ? I wonder how i got this type of friend .

” Arghh , i hope this girl does not come ; she looks so naive and innocent ” I prayed silently.
As for who I am? I am Christopher Bankole ; the only Child of my Divorced Parents. Now am staying with my over-protective mum and i get to spend my day out with my friend David. Right now i feel like my friend is really bad than i imagined . I now remember when i had first encountered Jemima who had embarrassed herself in front of my friends.

” So much for an innocent girl ” I said smiling. I might have to risk saving this girl from David’s plans but how to do that is still a dead end.

I arrived at the hall around 5:30pm , to find the party already in full swing . The students were playing a game of truth and dare . I started looking around for David and Bright when my eyes caught two girls sitting at a corner definitely not comforted with the atmosphere . A closer look at them both made me realised one of them was Jemima so the other girl is definitely her friend.
“This girls should get out of here now ” I thought within me as i moved towards them when someone grabbed my shoulder from behind.
“Trying to spoil my plan ?” The person said to my ear and i knew immediately it was David. I turned back to see He and Bright staring at me.
” Nope , just wanted to greet them both ” i said directing my eyes to the girls.
” Wao , so she brought her friend along . Bright , can you please do the job of a gentleman to the friend ” David said with a wicked gleen in his eyes. Bright left us and went towards the girls , in few seconds both of them left Jemima alone and went outside. I felt helpless couldn’t do a thing to save the poor girl who was now looking more agigated and definitely scared of where she was . I looked back to David to find him staring back at me .
” What do you want ? How about you stop now before you do something you will regret ?” I said to him , trying to change his mind .
“How about you help me with something ? I won’t regret this .” He shot back at me.
” Help you ? I told you count me out . Remember ?” I said.
“There’s nothing wrong in involving her in the truth and dare game . A drink won’t bite !” He said. I thought on what he said and quickly connected the dots.
“You mean i should involve her in the game and then dare her to have a drink ? I presume one you’ve added something to ?” I asked with shock .
“Yeah , you got it man ” He said.
What do i do ???
Watch out for Episode 3.

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