Written by Glorie Adepoju


Ama woke and sat up immediately, the dream she had just had was so strange and confusing, yet it was extremely graphic and real.

She and Kofi were dressed in matching outfits in their compound going for an outing, yet they were engrossed in a tussle. Their verbal exchange was heated and aggressive.

“Kofi, who is that woman? What is she doing in our car?! Kofi!! Get her out of there right now!” Ama shouted angrily, pointing towards a woman seated in their car parked a little distance from where they were.
Ama was unable to see the face of that woman, and she was more infuriated.

“Never, she is going nowhere, that is the one I want, and I insist she is staying.” Kofi said adamantly.

“You must be joking, since you want to remain here, saying rubbish and defending her. I will deal with her myself; she is getting down from our car!” She made her way toward the car, and Kofi blocked her way forcefully.

“I said no, don’t you try it!”

“Kofi get out of my way, I’m going to get that intruder out no matter what!” Ama replied shocked and angry.

“No, you won’t!”

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They continued the intense tussle, and she struggled in her sleep till she woke.

Worried, and confused she looked at her husband who was asleep. The unease in her spirit troubled her.

“This doesn’t make any sense.”

“The struggle was too intense.”

“Why was Kofi defending that woman so much?”

“I didn’t even get to see her face” She continued mumbling to herself.

Her alarm rang loudly, 5:00 a.m.

About the time her day began, she had a wedding cake to finish up. She cast one last troubled glance at her husband and got out of bed.

…to be continued…


“Aunty Mana.”

“Yes, my baby.” Ama said looking into the innocent eyes of Ohemaa, Akua’s little daughter.

“Why is water wet?”

“Why are my teeth white?”

“Why can’t animals talk?”

Ama smiled, already used to Ohemaa’s endless questions. She began answering them in the most diplomatic way possible, only to be bombarded by more questions.

The sound from the Tv inside signalled the intro of Oheema’s cartoon, excitedly Oheema breezed inside. Ama laughed, amused by her energy.

Time truly flies, or is it we humans that crawl?

It seemed just like yesterday when Akua had been impregnated by that good for nothing. It had been a moment of weakness on her friend’s part.

A single moment that had cost her. The “no gooder” insisted on aborting the baby, but Akua had refused blatantly. Ama was indeed proud of her friend’s courage to raise the child, despite the enormous challenges and stigmatization that came with being a single mother. Ama never ceased to stand as a pillar of support for her friend, it was a pure delight to watch Oheema grow.

Ever since then, Akua had not been involved with any other man.

Will my friend ever believe in love again?

Ama wondered as Akua re-joined her on the porch of the beautiful house Akua inherited from her late parents.

“This is a very serious dream you had Ama.” Akua said resuming the discussion they were having before Oheema interrupted them earlier, Ama felt her mood dampen again.

“Listen, Ama I know you love your husband and he is a minister, and so on. But what If He is…”

“Jai!! Akua! Don’t even complete that sentence.” Ama interrupted sharply

“Kofi can’t cheat on me. He can’t do such a thing. He is a man of God.” she said speaking more to herself than to her friend.

Possible scenarios swam in her head, she stood, suddenly uncomfortable, and she began to pace.

“But this Mrs. Frimpong…” Ama said thinking aloud, Akua latched on to it.

“Mrs. Frimpong…the young widow in our church?” Akua asked

Ama nodded absent-mindedly.

“What about her?” Akua probed

“Kofi’s excessive kindness, the over concern about her has been bothering me.”

“Ama! Nana Ama!, eii ewurade!!!” Akua exclaimed standing to her feet blocking Ama, so she was unable to continue pacing.

“Do you want to donate your husband?!” Akua asked emphatically.

“Akua! you are exaggerating! I don’t think there’s anything…she’s a widow, she’s probably having a hard time.” Ama said hoping she sounded convincing enough. Akua was not buying it.

“So, you are donating your husband to console her.” Akua stated Ama chose to ignore the sarcasm.

“Ama, this is not just any widow. But a young and attractive widow, do you realize she’s about the same age as us?. Let me remind you Ama, your husband is a man!” Akua’s words confirmed her previous suspicions.

“But…but…I can’t conclude just like that! What if I’m wrong?!”

“OK fine, maybe you shouldn’t conclude, and I’m not asking you not to trust your husband. But Ama! you must tighten your security. Shine your eyes! These women are all getting close to your husband, even that Jackie girl in your house.”

“God is sending you a message through this dream.”

“I hear you.” Ama said, Akua’s words taking a firm root.

…to be continued…

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“Wow, you are looking so beautiful Mrs Boadi!” Emelia, Kofi’s secretary complimented.

Emelia had stepped out of the restroom just about the same time Ama was heading towards her husband’s office.

“Oh, thank you Emelia.”

“I love your fashion sense, honestly. This dress perfectly suits you.” Emelia added leading the way.

The compliment lifted Ama’s spirits, she relished it when the younger generation made such comments about her sense of style.

“Is he in?” Ama asked referring to her husband.

“Yes ma, he is attending to someone.” Emelia said.

“Someone? His lunch break is about this time.” Ama mentioned, puzzled.

“Exactly, but he had to attend to Mrs Frimpong urgently.” Emelia said casually taking her seat behind her desk.

Ama began to feel uncomfortable.

Is that why he isn’t picking his calls?

An impromptu meeting with Mrs Frimpong again?

Why was it all about emergencies when it came to Mrs Frimpong’s issue?

Ama felt a tinge of anger. Does this woman feel she has the right to invade my husband’s time and plans?

Even his lunch hour was not spared how selfish could this woman be!

“Should I inform him that you are here?” Emelia asked, her hands on the intercom.

“No, dear, I will just go in myself” Ama answered with a plastered smile.

One knock and she pushed the door open, a perfect time to catch her husband and Mrs Frimpong holding hands across his table. Kofi snatched his hands immediately. Akua’s words replayed in her mind.

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“Darling, what a pleasant surprise!” Kofi said in an unusually high-pitched tone suggesting he was more startled than excited.

Ama turned towards Mrs Frimpong.

“Hello Mrs Frimpong” Ama greeted, keeping her tone casual.

“Hello ma.” Mrs Frimpong replied.

With long hair that streamed down her shoulders, Mrs Frimpong was dressed in a well tailored African print dress, looking as lovely as ever. And she made no effort to stand up.

Did she take extra care to look even more beautiful for my husband?

Ama felt a pang of jealousy shoot through her at that thought. Ama was glad that she had also taken time to look especially beautiful today.

“Darling, can you wait at the reception, I just want to wrap things up with her.” Kofi said with a smile as if willing her to understand.

“No honey, I can’t. I believe Mrs. Frimpong would understand that I want to discuss with my husband, am I right ma?” Ama said calmly, her attention once again on Mrs Frimpong.

“Why not?” Mrs Frimpong said, irritated.

Taking all the time in the world, Mrs Frimpong stood to her feet.

They stood at eye level and Ama looked straight into the widow’s eyes. The sadness that lay in their depths pulled at Ama’s heart. Underneath those eyes were dark circles that make up managed to slightly mask. Dried streaks of tears trailed down her cheeks.

“Thank you, sir, and have a nice day Mrs Boadi.” Mrs Frimpong said softly.

Ama was struck by a passing feeling of guilt.

Have I assumed wrongly? She looked really troubled.

Ama pushed away the guilty feeling as the memory of them holding hands flashed in her mind.

It’s high time I stopped making excuses for people.

She is probably feigning that troubled look to fool Kofi and get his sympathy and attention. And my clueless husband couldn’t see past the facade.

“Darling! What was that all about?!…you practically sent her out!” Kofi said shooting her a sharp gaze.

“What was what all about? In fact, I should ask you what all that was all about?!” Ama replied with equal intensity

“Do I need to state the obvious! I was having a counselling session with her!”

“And so? Sweetie, just look at you both when I walked in. What if it was your secretary that walked in or someone else? Do you know the kind of impression they could have left with??! I think you both got so carried away with your counselling, in fact, you make her forget you are married!”

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Her words hit the mark and Kofi’s anger cooled almost instantly.

“Sweetie, its not what you think, there’s absolutely nothing between Mrs Frimpong and I ” he said in a cajoling tone

“I’m sorry about what you saw. She is just a hurting widow battling depression. And I want to be of help.”

“That’s not an excuse, why does it have to be Mrs. Frimpong every time?! Is she the only widow in this church?!” Ama stated

“She can always go straight to Pastor Sam. Why does it have to be you all the time? You got so engrossed in counselling her, you totally forgot our plan to visit the Johnson family and their new baby today. Why would I come all the way at this time of the day? I called your line severally, you refused to pick up.”

He hurriedly reached for his phone at the far end of the table. He scrolled through, his face a mask of regret.

“Oh, several missed calls, I’m sorry my love, my phone was muted! I completely forgot our plan.” He playfully pulled her close until she was settled on his laps.

“Do we still have time; can we still make it?” He asked his head resting on the crook of her neck.

“Sure ” She added laughing as the edge of his nose tickled her neck.

Soon, he was amusing her with his humorous remarks and they walked out of the office laughing and in high spirits.

…to be continued…




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