Written by Glorie Adepoju


“Honey calm down.”

“Don’t tell me to calm down!” Ama shot back flashing angry eyes at her husband. She folded her arms across her chest.

He reached out to touch her, but she moved away fast enough to avoid him touching her. Thankful for the spaciousness of their bedroom.

What had gotten into him? Do I have to beg to be touched, held by my own husband?
Who does that?

It was becoming his habit and she wasn’t having it.

“Each time you return from that Exclusive Minister’s conference, you become so frigid and inaccessible! You would totally close up on me, and that is just all shades of wrong!” Ama said, anger building, she adjusted the strap of her lingerie.

She had worn it earlier on, to look appealing, then she had made a move and even touched him seductively to send her message.

What had she gotten instead?

A cold, very cold shoulder that had nothing to do with the air conditioner in the room.

“I’m sorry honey, it just that whenever I go into the presence of God like that, It’s so difficult to recover from it. You know and be normal.” Kofi said seated at the edge of the bed, his expression sombre and remorseful.

Disregarding his consistent excuse with the wave of her hand; “I’m your wife!” She snapped.

His words and tone did nothing to soothe her hurt. She was more hurt than angry. His stiff demeanour had bruised her emotionally. She maintained her distance.

He stood and covered the distance. He kissed her on the lips, long and sensual, she completely lost her train of thought.

“I’m your wife, and the bible says…” She managed to say when he pulled away.

“I know what the Bible says about not denying each other our sexual duties as husband and wife.” He cut in softly, his breath caressing her.

“I know and I’m sorry. Forgive pls…I would change.”


Apparently, he had finally noticed the sexy lingerie, his eyes lit up with desire.

“I promise, starting from tonight.”

Her defiance melted.

…to be continued…


The deafening noise of the cake mixer filled the kitchen, satisfied with the desired result, Ama switched off the mixer, and then proceeded to the next step.

“Even though we have our own individual catering businesses. I always love it when we collaborate like this.” Akua said with a smile, scooping a generous amount of ground nut paste into the pot.

“Ampa o, same here. What makes our collaboration unique is the fact that we have different specialties in catering. I’m so sure we would nail this wedding. Don’t try us wai.” Ama responded pouring the contents out of the mixer and they shared a laugh

Akua was Ama’s friend of many years. They had been inseparable from childhood; little wonder they had developed interest in the same line of business. Catering.

They had individual businesses, yet they collaborated often. The audible sound of a car driving in, filled the compound.

“That must be Jackie!” Ama said excitingly, abruptly stopping what she was doing.

Michael had been a very good friend of the family for many years now. Jackie was his daughter.

“Oh, you mentioned she would arrive today. Jackie would be spending some time with you because of… I don’t quite remember what you called it.” Akua said washing her hands by the sink.

“She is planning to take a short course here in Kumasi. Her dad asked if she could stay with us, in fact, it’s a pleasure.” Ama said walking hurriedly towards the front door.

Ama flung the door open, just in time to see Jackie step out of the car.
The sight of Jackie was a breath of fresh air. The little girl Ama had known had now transitioned into a very beautiful young lady.

Ama could read the disapproval in Akua’s eyes, even though her friend tried hard to mask it.

Ama wasn’t so pleased her self, Jackie was dressed in a bandage dress with a plunging V neck that revealed a generous view of her cleavage, and uber short hemline that showed off her thighs and legs. Jackie’s choice of outfit clearly revealed delectable expanses of skin, warranting such disapproval.

“Aunty!” Jackie exclaimed, pure joy radiating on her face.

Ama was so excited to see Jackie and opened her arms lovingly capturing Jackie in a warm embrace.

“You have grown so well. I almost couldn’t recognise you. Sorry I couldn’t come to pick you up at the airport, I had to send the driver.”

“Oh no problem, Aunty. I’m so excited to see you.” Jackie said cheerfully.

The quite heavy make up Jackie had on added a few more years to her age, she was beautiful regardless, in Ama’s opinion.

“Jackie meet my dear friend, Akua.”

“Hello ma.” Jackie said respectfully, Akua smiled in return, a stiff smile.

“Come on in dear, you must be really tired.” Ama said breaking the awkward silence.

Ama led Jackie in but not before gesturing towards the driver to bring in Jackie’s luggage.

…to be continued…

Keep strolling for Episode 9


Dozing again, Ama caught herself and stood up quickly to avoid falling off the seat. Worried and edgy, she glanced at the clock for the umpteenth time.

“It’s getting really late, why is he not yet home? How come his number is switched off? He sent a text message that he might be late, but that was hours ago. What could have kept him out this late?” she questioned herself.

“Is he stuck in traffic? Or did something bad happen to him?” she continued the series of questions; her patience was wearing thin.

“Nana Ama, enough, stop over thinking.” She chided herself.

She heard the familiar horn of Kofi’s car, she rushed to peep through the window and caught glimpses of him parking the car in the compound.

“He is okay, thank God.” she said sighing in relief.

At his rasp knock, she unlocked the door for him.

“Hey babe.”

“Sweetie, what happened?! I have been so worried! I called your secretary, she said you left the office since 8pm.” concern filled her voice as they hugged briefly.

“Yes, she was right. That’s why I sent you the text that I might be late. Did it deliver babe?”

She nodded in affirmation. He sat tiredly on the sofa, untying his shoes out of habit.

“I had barely locked up for the day, when I received a call from Mrs. Frimpong’s son.”

Mrs Frimpong? She searched her mind trying to recollect.

“Mrs Frimpong the young widow?” She asked when she finally placed a face to the name. The young and strikingly beautiful widow. Ama chose not to include that detail even though she was tempted to.

“Yes, yes, her. It was depression again. I had to rush to her place to counsel her and calm her down, so she wouldn’t do anything stupid. You know like suicide.”

“I just hope God helps her get over it.” Ama said sympathetically.

She felt truly sorry for Mrs Frimpong. Ama couldn’t imagine how lonely she would be if death snatched Kofi suddenly. She quickly pushed away the negative thought, a scary thought flashed through her mind, she glanced at the wall clock sharply.

Three hours? The fact that Kofi had spent three whole hours with Mrs Frimpong made her very uncomfortable.

“You were there since 8 p.m.?” Ama asked cautiously.

“I am telling you; it was so tiring.” Her husband replied totally oblivious to her changed countenance.

There’s nothing wrong with him spending time trying to comfort a depressed widow, right?

But then again, this widow in question was beautiful enough to turn heads, and had maintained her figure even after two kids.

“Right now, I’m famished, is there anything to eat?” Kofi asked interrupting her thoughts.

“Yes, yes, it’s on the dinning table.” she replied with a forced smile.

“That’s my baby.” he said planting a soft kiss on her cheek before rushing towards the dinning area.

She remained standing, deep in thought.

Since when did I have a problem with my husband counselling members of the church?

That is the core of his ministry, and I never had a problem with it.
Why now?

I must tell my husband about my concern and displeasure. But then, he might stop counselling her completely.

No, it won’t be fair for me to deny a troubled widow the offer of comfort because of my baseless suspicions.
It won’t be fair.

Refusing to dwell further on the matter, she walked towards the dinning, the lingering feeling of uneasily, heavy in her heart.

…to be continued…


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