Written by Glorie Adepoju


Nana woke up with a start, adjusting his eyes to the darkness in his room.

“What noise had woken me?”

“Nana!!!!!!, Nana!!!, Nana!!!” The voice echoed into the dead of the night.

Without a second guess he knew whose it was. Akosua.

Before he caught his next breath, her fists pounded heavily on the door in desperation. Nana tied his wrapper securely and flung the door open. Akosua’s tear-stricken face stared back at him in the semi darkness.

“Akosua what is it?” he asked with concern.

“Kwesi has started again!!”

There was trouble.

Nana immediately swung into action; he gestured towards the men who carried Kwesi.

“Bring him in, quick!!” He commanded his voice laced with urgency.

Quickly Pa Kwesi was laid on the bed, gasping softly.

“Nana, do you still have the portion?!” Akosua asked, desperately.

“No, but I will make a fresh one fast” he said leaving the room swiftly but not before lighting the lamp.

Once inside his other room, he began to prepare the needed concoction speedily.

“Pa Kwesi, I beg you. Pls don’t, do this to me, pls don’t die. Oh! Kwesi mepaucho, don’t leave me!!” Akosua pleaded frantically

Panicking, Akosua screams; “Pa Kwesi, Kwesi!!, no, no, Kwesi look at me!!, Nana! Nana!!”

Timing determined Kwesi’s chance of survival. If he wasn’t fast enough, Kwesi wouldn’t make it.

Nana could hear everything going on in the other room, Kwesi was panting more rapidly, as he gasped. His gasping was getting more intense, the young man was fighting for his life.

Every second counted, regardless, the portion was useless if it didn’t reach the required consistency. Nana was thankful he could still function efficiently under intense pressure.

Once the concoction was ready, Nana rushed into the room with a calabash. He hurriedly moved to Kwesi’s side. He forced the drink down Kwesi’s throat. Kwesi gradually relaxed. Nana smiled faintly.

“He’s okay now” Nana assured

Akosua held Kwesi close, still crying profusely.

“Thank you, Nana, Medaase, ei…medawase thank you so much. You have saved me once again”. She said amidst tears.

“Its OK, you hear. Everything is OK now” Nana said and he consoled her.

…to be continued…


“Akos, the truth is bitter, but it must be told. Kwesi’s illness is a terrible recurring sickness.” Nana mentioned, pounding some dried herbs.

“Kojo, your elder brother died from a similar sickness.” Nana stated.

Akosua gasped sharply in shock. An expected reaction.

“Kwesi’s is far worse. The portions I give him can only manage it. With my vast knowledge in traditional herbal treatments, I know that this illness will reoccur five times. By the fifth time, it would be far worse, and his body would have built a resistance to my portions. In the end, he won’t survive it.” Nana said matter-of-factly.

“Nana, yesterday was the fourth time it reoccurred! Are you saying the next time it occurs…he…no…Nana, there has to be a way!”

“Super natural intervention is the only way” Nana said in a solemn voice.

“We have no herbalists in this town. They are all in villages miles from here!!”

“We have Aguga, the only god with unmatched power.”

“The shrine has been abandoned for months now, what is a shrine without a priest?”

“What is a priest without an altar? The shrine might be desolate, but I know the altar is potent.”

“But you mustn’t go to that shrine Akosua!!” Nana warned vehemently


“Because Aguga is a blood thirsty merciless god!” Nana exclaimed, he hated where this was going and suddenly wished he had kept this opinion about the potent altar to himself.

“Why do you think the shrine was abandoned? Aguga requested a sacrifice, his priest couldn’t provide the sacrifice on time. Aguga killed that priest and his entire family in cold blood!” He said his voice rising

“What?! I thought all those were rumours” Akosua said shocked.

Nana’s voice dropped unconsciously, and he inched closer to her; “Listen, to even loiter around the shrine is deadly, talk less of stepping in. Some weeks ago, Kwame went there for whatever reason, the next day, his body was found very close to the shrine. Aguga must have feasted on his blood.”

Akosua raised her brows, blinking continuously. Nana could see from her expression that even though she was sitting close to him, her mind was miles away.

“My other brothers have been snatched before their time. How can I watch as this illness takes away the last one?” Akosua said.

“Kwesi is all I have left. He is the only evidence that our lineage ever existed. I refuse to stand by and watch.” Akosua added.

“It’s that shrine not far from the river, right?” Akosua questioned absentmindedly.

Nana’s heart beat, troubled at the determination he caught in her voice,

“Yes, it is, look Akos don’t even think of going there!!!” Nana exclaimed, trying his best to dissuade her.

“Nana, mati Nana, mati” she said softly

Nana knew she was processing his words, before arriving at her conclusion.

Nana desperately wished Akosua would tread carefully, and not make a decision that could cost her her life.

…to be continued…


Akosua sat outside the hut, brows furrowed deep in thought.

Her conversation with Kwesi tugged at her, she let it replay in her mind.

It was a sunny afternoon; they had sat outside the hut having lunch.

Kwesi smiled as he licked his fingers; “The food is delicious papaa o.”

“Ampaa?” Akosua asked as she returned the smile.

“Yes of course.”

She stared at him thoughtfully for a short while, then continued eating; “Serwaa was here this evening. She came looking for you. You hadn’t returned from the farm then.”

“Ei Maame Serwaa?! Saa?” He said, his voice filled with pure delight.

“Are you both getting serious?” Akosua inquired.

“I love her. The truth is, I intend to marry Serwaa. You are like a mother and father to me. What are your thoughts Akos?”

“She’s a wonderful girl, I like her. She’s from a good family, too.”

“I want it done as soon as possible, just the…”

Akosua didn’t miss the forlorn expression that crossed his features.

“But what if I…” he said and paused again

“Shhh…Kwesi, stop it!… pls…you are not going to die.” She had stated firmly.

The memory faded, and she wiped the tears that streamed down.

“Kwesi, you deserve to be happy. I can’t sit back and watch you die. You have your whole life ahead of you. You deserve to marry and have the joy of watching your own children grow.” she said to herself, crying harder.

“Oh, what do I do?”

A loud cry from inside broke into her thought, she stood and rushed inside. Kwesi was writhing in pain.

Not again! No!

“Kwesi!!” Akosua’s heart beat wildly in fear as she dropped by Kwesi’s bed, never had she felt so helpless in all her life.

She had to get him to Nana immediately. She rose quickly but stopped abruptly as Nana’s words chose the perfect time to invade her thoughts.

“This illness will reoccur five times. By the fifth time, it would be far worse, and his body would have built a resistance to my portions. In the end, he won’t survive it.”

“I have been counting meticulously, this is indeed the fifth time. Even Nana cannot help me.” Hit by the weight of that realization, she became even more desperate.

She had only one last option, too desperate to consider the possible danger of her decision she rushed outside, her steps quickening. She knew the way, the familiar route. She walked faster. Her feet following the rhythmic beat of her heart, she ignored the sound warning ringing in her head. Walking briskly towards the direction of the thick forest, she ran, her tears nearly blinding her.

Finally, she located the abandoned shrine. It was impossible to miss, especially with the illumination the moon offered. Throwing all caution to the wind, she ran straight in. Panting, a sense of foreboding settled on her. Torn between fear and desperation. Desperation won, and she screamed in tears.


Immediately, lamps flickered on, burning brightly. Startled, Akosua dropped to her knees immediately, in tears.

“Aguga! don’t kill me, help me, my brother is dying!! Aguga, I would do anything you want, just save him pls.”

Suddenly there was a slight shake, Akosua almost believed she had imagined it. Until a hideous entity appeared out of nowhere, the Aguga god. Petrified, Akosua trembled, and bowed instantly.

“You dare barge into my temple uninvited. You ran straight and consciously into the lion’s den, fearless. Only a desperate woman would do that.”

“Your desperation paid off. You said you would do anything. That’s the only reason I haven’t strangled you on the spot, and feasted on your fresh blood.”

The voice of the Aguga god dripped with terror, and the pronounced oppressive aura was stifling. She could hardly breathe.

“Have mercy, I… will…do…anything…” Akosua pleaded, surprised she could utter a coherent sentence.

“I am Aguga, the great god with unmatched powers. What is the name of your brother?”

“Kwesi…Kwe…Kwesi Appiah!” Akosua shuttered, her heart beating wildly, a strange mix of fear and hope.

“I will help him, but in exchange, everyone in your lineage must be sacrificed to me. They will serve as Priest servicing my altar from generation to generation.”

“As you please!” She agreed without a thought.

“In seven days, time, bring your brother for the initiation and then we proceed to seal the covenant.”

Relief coursed through her, and she felt a flicker of hope, however little.

…to be continued…


Excited about this new series? Well, I am.

Share your thoughts and comments with me in the comments section. Just five comments excluding my replies and we will have the next episode.😁😁

I honestly want to know what you are expecting in this series. Thank you and God bless you.

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